Friday, May 31, 2019

Memory in Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway Essay -- Virginia Woolf Mrs.

Memory in Virginia Woolfs Mrs. DallowayClarissa Dalloway and Peter Walsh are defined by their memories. Virginia Woolf creates their characters through the memories they share, and thus fabricates their very identities from these mutual experiences. Mrs. Dalloway creates a unique tapestry of time and memory, interweaving past and present, memory and dream. The past is the key to the future, and indeed for these two characters the past creates the future, shaping them into the heap they are on the June day described by Woolf. Peter and Clarissas memories of the days spent at Bourton have a profound effect on them both and are still very much a part of them. These images of their younger selves are not broad, all-encompassing mental pictures, but rather the bits and pieces of heart that create personality and identity. Peter remembers various idiosyncracies about Clarissa, and she does the same about him. They remember each other by the colours, salts, tones of existence, the very e ssence that makes human beings sure and unique the fabric of their true identities (30). Clarissa Dalloway is content with her lifetime with Richard, is content to give her party on a beautiful June evening, but she does regret at time that she cant have her life over again (10). Clarissas memories of Bourton, of her youth, are brought back to her vividly by just the squeak of the hinges. . . and she had burst bluff the French windows and plunged at Bourton into the open air (3). The very intensity of these memories are what make them so much a part of what she is everything in life reminds her of Bourton, of cleft Seton, of Peter Walsh. Peter and Sally were her best friends as a girl, and with the two of them. . . she s... ... eternally knotted in the combined tapestry of their lives, never to be untangle from each other and therefore entwining their lives together as well as their memories of idyllic summers and bitter storms. Memory can be triggered by anything, cau sing life to run in a continual loop between the past and the future, the truth and the dream. Peter and Clarissa will always be shaped by their memories that is, the amount of money of their being. As Clarissa descends the stairs at the end of her party Peter wonders what is this terror? What is this ecstacy? . . . What is it that fills me with extraordinary excitement? It is Clarissa . . . For there she was (194). And there she will always be, forever intimidate in his memory just as he is forever tied into hers, together creating their true identities.Work Cited Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. Orlando, FL Harcourt, Inc., 2005.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Night by Elie Wiesel :: Night, Elie Wiesel

Night is a horrible tale of murder and mans inhumanity to man. Wiesel saw his family, friends, and fellow Jews degraded and murdered. Wiesel also states in his restrain that his God, to whom he was so devoted, was also murdered by the Nazis. In the novel Wiesel changed from a devout Jew to a broken young man who doubted his belief in God.When Wiesel first comes to the concentration clique and sees all the walking skeletons, he cant believe that this is real. He feels that he might be dreaming. However, as Wiesel faces each day and witnesses the starvation, the beatings of innocent people, and the tortures, his faith in God begins to waiver. By the end of the book Wiesel has lost his belief in God. If there is a God, how could he allow this to happen, he wonders.As the days go by, there are frequent selections. A man with a little stick decides who will live and who will die. This man acts like God. To the right you live, to the left, you die. As Wiesel watches the evil that exists , his belief in the universe of God continues to deteriorate. Wiesel asks, Where is my God? Where is He?(61)Wiesel continues to witness hangings, beatings, starvation, and torture. One day when Wiesel comes back from a days work, he sees three gallows being assembled. The whole camp has to witness the hangings. Among the 3 people who would die that day, was a young child. Wiesel wondered what that poor innocent boy had done to deserve to die in this manner. Wiesel watched the boy attempt between life and death. The death was a slow agony. At this point Wiesel lost all faith in the existence of God. Where is God now? Where is He? Here is - He is hanging here on this gallows...(62) After this incident Wiesel could no longer believe in God.

Global Warming Essay: The Kyoto Protocol :: Global Warming

IntroductionFrom mans basic understanding of existence, he acknowledges that his presence is but a fraction in time in relation to the longevity of the lands existence. This attests to the time period in which the trustworthyity functions. Mans calculations of year to year changes in the Earths atmosphere are meager at best in determining the cycle for such an entity. Mans oldest data date back from ice core samples from Antarctica set up non trace back further than a minute percent of the history of the billions of years that the Earth has existed.(Relatively) recently, Earth has endured naturally occurring Ice Ages, meteorological disasters, and the evolution of man and his technology.So the question is raised, is mankind bold in thinking that anything it does collectively will scar the Earth beyond repair? Man might change the Earths surface, man might obliterate his own existence, but man will non change the propensity for nature to allow the continuation of life.Debate on Global WarmingSo, what is man doing for mankind? There is a general concensus that one(a) of the greatest dangers man is imposing upon himself is that of a global change in the atmosphere, causing the average temperature on Earth to improver.Before any discussion can begin on how to go about fixing the problem of global warming, it is improtant to point out that the problem is much basic than otherwise understood. The problem is not global waring, it is how to deal with the possible existance of global warming.First, let us consider the assumed temperature change. What real facts are we using to conclude that a global temperature increase is happening?Second, consider the possible reasons for a temperature change. Is man the only possibility?Third, assuming the chance for man to be the cause in a real global temperature average increase, is this a situation that we should try and label a problem? Is change always bad?The amount of data that is accessible and relavant to this this weigh can be interpreted in a variety of different waysGo on and surf the World Wide Web. You may get down convincing arguments on both sides, but that is just it, they are arguments. Models have been constructed, theories have made predictions, and more.What do we know? We know that the evidence is inconclusive and more research should be done.Explorations on the corrolation between fluctuations in solar activity and Earths temperature changes should be furthur endeavored, expirimentation with simulated Earthly atmospheres should be enhanced, and U.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

African Traditional Religions :: essays research papers fc

Traditional African ReligionThe Religious SphereThere is widespread belief in a exacting God, unique and transcendent. Africans have a sense of the sacred and sense of mystery there is high reverence for sacred places, persons and objects sacred times argon celebrated. article of faith in the after life is incorporated in myths and in funeral ceremonies. Religion enfolds the whole of life there is a difference between life and religion. Ancestors interfere between God and men. It is believed that sin harms the public good hence there are periodical purification rites in order to promote public welfare. religion requires a fundamental attitude of strict discipline and reverence. The Ritual SphereRites form and essential part of social life. Rites invoke ancestors and the dead. The whole person, body, and soul are totally involved in worship. There are many rites of purification of individuals and communities. Religious sacredness is preserved in ritual, in dress and the arrangemen ts of the places of worship. The sick are aged in rites, which involve their families and the community. Some of the traditional blessings are rich and very meaningful. In worship and sacrifice there is co-responsibility each person contributes his share in a spirit of participation. Symbols bridge the spheres of the sacred and secular and so make possible a balanced and unified view of reality. An important part of the African traditional religion is the presence of spirits.The Spiritual SphereIn the African world spirits are everywhere in persons, trees, rivers, animals, rocks, mountains and ever automobiles and other in-person effects. The presence of these spirits in the African society offers a serious challenge to the behavior patterns of the people on the continent and elsewhere because traditional ghostlike practices permeates every aspect of life on the continent. These spirits in many ways act as moral entrepreneurs of the African society. They abhor crimes like adultery , stealing, swindling and suicide. These spirits communicate their wishes, demands and prescriptions to the larger society through the traditional priests. The traditional priests are able to satisfy their clients through the performance of rituals.

Graduation Speech: May You Have Joy and Sorrow :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

I would like to begin my speech with these beautiful words of wisdomNot utilisation and not grieve is our destined end or way but to act that each tomorrow brings us farther than today.Did you hear that?Not enjoyment and not mournfulness is our destined end or way, but to act that each tomorrow brings us farther than today.What, do you all have hearts of stone? Where be the tears? Dont you put one across it even rhymes? Way-today, today-way, see that?I guess I sound a little too bitter about this dont I? I dont mean to. I am actually excited to be speaking here today, even to be speaking about the class motto. I dont jibe with it, but that doesnt mean I cant spend three minutes talking about it. Those of you who know me reasonably well know that theres not much I couldnt spend three minutes talking about. Ive been told that I talk a lot. But there I go already, back to the class motto.Not enjoyment and not sorrow, but to act.There are some things that I regret about the last fo ur years of my life, but the enjoyment and the sorrow for sure arent among them. Life is all about the happy and the sad, and it should be. I dont want every day of my life to be measured by what I accomplished everyplace the day before. Certainly, there are areas in which we as a society could use progress and action, but that should never exclude enjoyment and sorrow from being a part of living. Today, especially of all days, we should be thinking of these things. I am not worried this 8th of June about what I can do to advance myself past where I was on the seventh. I am worried about the fact that it is entirely possible that I may never see some of you again in my life after tonight. Not my best friends certainly, but all of those people we enjoy saying Hi to between periods, soulfulness from an old team or a class in ninth grade. Thats sorrow. But then its surely not all bad. Its summer, maybe not on the calendar, but in our minds. This is the summer of our senior year. Th ese are the three months out of our lives that most of our parents can only dream of returning to.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Mind, Intelligence and Spirit :: Psychology Philosophy Papers

Mind, Intelligence and SpiritThe mind is a collection of various classes of processes that flowerpot be studied empirically. To bourn the field of mental processes we must follow the criteria of folk psychology. There are three kinds of mind human, animal and mechanical. But the human mind is the paradigm or model of mind. The existence of mechanical minds is a serious challenge to the materialism or the mind-brain identity theory. Based on this existence we can put prior the antimaterialist crease of machines. Intelligence is a class of mental processes such that the mind is the genus and the intelligence is a species of this genus. The capacity to solve problems is a clear and definite meter of intelligence. Again, like in the mind, the human intelligence is the paradigm of the intelligence. There are also three kinds of intelligence human, animal and mechanical. Searles Chinese room argument is misleading because Searle believes that it is possible to maintain a sharp distinc tion between syntax and semantics. The reasonable dualism in the brain-mind problem defends the existence of brain-mental processes, physical-mental processes, and non-physical-mental (spiritual) processes. Constitution of the personal undertaking of life, self-consciousness and free volitions are examples of spiritual processes. Usually the intelligence has been considered the most important quality of human beings, but freedom, or the world of free volitions, is a more specific quality of human beings.I. The Concept of MindContrary to a long philosophical tradition, it is very important to emphasize that the mind is not a substance or res . If the mind were a substance its study would be beyond the empiricist domain of science and would belong to the extraempiricist domain of metaphysics. On other hand, if the mind were a substance it would be something individual.Nevertheless the mind is a collection of various classes of processes that can be studied empirically. These processe s are fair the so-called mental processes, in such a way that we can suggest the apparently vicious circle statement mind is the collection of the varied mental processes.In order to avoid the circularity of this statement we have to describe the various classes of mental processes. Using concepts taken from the information theory we can distinguish, in the beginning, four main types of mental processes 1) perceptions, i. e. organized reception of information, 2) memories or storage of information, 3) beliefs, that is, judgements about the received information, and 4) plans, namely, arrangements of information to act.

Philosophy Plan Essay

Observing teachers is a great way to see the twenty-four hour period to day trading operations of what goes into the setting of the class. Within the first few months of cultivate, by then the students should have a good understanding of the expectations of the class. It is important to realize that the teacher trains the students what the rules and expectations are from day one in their classroom. These rules and expectations come from their classroom worry protrude. There are many reasons a child may misbehave. It could be special needs, lack of attention, or even circumstances at home.The fact of the matter is that they are allowed to. neartimes it seems that as adults we tend to allow student to do as they want with the assert of the situation be handled by someone else. How a child behaves actually goes back on the parents and the raising of the child. Culture and family dynamics could also play a role as well. I know that some people may say that they do not want to be come their own parents, but they have. Some raise their children to respect the rules and consequences of their actions, while others raise their children with no rules and consequences at all.The methods and strategies an educator uses to maintain a classroom environment to be conducive to learning and achiever is defined as classroom management. (Jones, 2000). In my personal beliefs I think that a plan needs to be consisted of rules and procedures, as well as expectations for the students when immersion the classroom. In the event of visitors in the classroom these rules and expectations should be followed also. In the classroom management plan there needs to be consequences that ate clear, understood, and enforced effectively.To me teachers should reach more time spending on teaching the students rather than mismanaging them, so that they can effectively learn. It takes time to teacher students the information that they need to know for the school class and prior to the next year. Teachers only have 180 days to teach the required information to the students with the assurance that the get it. A classroom management plan affects everyone. It can change the way students walk into the classroom, how a teacher does their job and how visitors act when they come to visit.I have seen this happen in an primary(a) school, I have observed it. One class was quietly walking down the hallway and another class was using outside, loud voices. It was participationing the reaction some students had to the differences within the two classes. My school of thought on classroom management came from my schooling and personal observations. I do not have a strong-arm classroom yet, but have seen many different styles each teacher uses when in the classroom. The theoretical perspective that best describes my personal philosophy is the personal needs theory.Stanley Coopersmith discussed that individuals need to experience a sense of significance, competence, and power (Jones & Jones, 2010, p. 33). I conceptualize that it is important that a student trust and builds a positive rapport or relationship with you. I believe that students, who trust and believe in their teacher, with this the student, may tend to work harder and it gives the student the belief that they can accomplish any task. When a level of trust and relationship is developed, it gives the students ownership or pride in their classroom.Any teacher has personal theories and needs in their class, it is important to build that trust or a classroom management plan could fall apart in no time at all. I believe that my personal philosophy will play a role in my actual plan, but I also need to realize that I may have to aline it as I begin to teach. The adjustment may have to happen as I get a new set of students each year or even once I get certain students who may need me to adjust my plan. My philosophy is just a foundation to my ultimate plan for success with my students.Adjustments are a daily part of all teachers, even the best ones, as they go forward. All these adjustments are in the best interest on the students. My personal philosophy, I believe is an important one. I believe that students need to realize that everything is not always fair in life. I believe that students need to understand that actions in life also have rewards and consequences. I also believe that it is also important to teach students that everyone has the same opportunities and only we, as individually, can make the most of ourselves.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 23

We hailed a carriage heading uptown Lexi told me I wanted to save my strength for whatever came next and got out without b othering to pay. This was what life was equal for one such as Lexi, powerful and simple in her wants and desires. She didnt need any intricate, crazy plans for amassing wealth. She could compel anyone to do anything she asked, and life was incredibly easy.It was tempting, especially the opinion that was nonviolent. No one was hurt in any of her activities, except financially.Lexi must have read my thoughts because she grinned at me and waggled her eyebrows. You should stick with me, my friend. Life like this can be sweet, non a curse, she offered.I shook my head, smiling. Thanks, but as you keep saying, I have my own path.By the time we made it to the Sutherland mansion, its windows were dark and already draped in festoons of black crepe. In the strange half-light of the early hour, dew sparkled eerily off the matte cloth. The house was cordoned off.I gentl y forced the lock. Neither Lexi nor I made any noise until we came into the living room, when she gave a gasp.The coroners had removed the bodies but not done any cleanup work. The vast amounts of daub from their ripped-up bodies had seeped into the carpet and stain the marble floors beneath. Dark black splatters of dried blood covered the walls, matching the crepe outside.My god, Lexi whispered. He massacred them.I fell back into a chair, overwhelmed with guilt. It hadnt been long since I had discovered the poor family here, their bodies still warm with rapidly fleeting life. Backward and backward my thoughts ran, remembering the things I had done wrong, all of which had led up to this tragic climax.If I hadnt run away from the receptionIf hadnt gone along with my brothers plans to begin withIf I hadnt saved BridgetIf I hadnt fled to New YorkIf I hadnt made Damon drink blood to complete his transformationThis is my fault, I moaned.I put my head in my hands. The trail of blood an d death that wasnt even of my own devising followed me like a curse.No, its Damons, Lexi corrected promptly. And Klauss.I should never have come here. I should have stayed as far away from humans as possible.Hey. Lexi walked over to me, rest push down and looking up into my face. She put a hand on my chin, forcing me to look back at her. You didnt do this. Klaus did he ordered this. And you had no innovation of marrying into this family. That was Damons idea. You told me yourself he threatened to kill that roomful of people if you didnt go along. I would have killed him at that point, but hes not my brother.I gazed into her dark eyes. Ive done so such(prenominal) wrong.She bit her lower lip. You made mistakes in the past. Bad ones. But you know that, and were doing your best to correct them, or at least avoid them in the future. Thats why I am here, Stefan. Youre worth saving.A pain that had nothing to do with thirst made my throat ache. Lexi, pleaseI can see into your heart, Stefan, she express softly. I dont scarce appear out of the blue to save any vampire. Youre different. And someday, maybe, youll know that. And part of your curse will be over.She leaned forward and pressed her lips against my cheek. I could feel the soft flutter of her eyelashes as she closed her eyes against my face.Come on, she said, backing up and chucking me under the chin. We have work to do. Ill look around down here. You go get whatever things of yours the police havent confiscated. I think youre moving out of this town for a while.Between one breath and the next, between a trick of the light and the deepest shadow, she had changed. Sunny, friendly Lexi now had bloodred eyes and black veins around her face. Fangs glistened in what little light at that place was. She was in full predator mode, search for the slightest sign of the vampire. Even though she was just an older version of what I was, seeing her that way still sent a chill down my body. Lurking just beneath our s kin, the monster was always ready to come out.With a heavy heart I plodded up the grand, dark wood staircase. There was no need to be completely silent the few servants who remained were in their quarters in a distant wing, far away from the death and mess. I could hear their overloud voices, their discussions of prospects and other households all desperate attempts to fend off the darkness that their employers had slipped into so suddenly.I wondered what Margaret was doing, vowing to get word to her about Klaus and his vendetta. She was probably in her own home with her husband, wail her sisters and parents. Which was harder? To be dead, or to live with the memory of the dead? As a vampire, I would never know the former, but always experience the latter.I short reached my room, where a night ago Bridget had thrown herself at me. I smelled traces of the violet perfume she had doused herself with. It had infiltrated my pillow and sheets. So much more childish than Katherines scent , the subtle, alluring, complicated coalesce of citrus and spice.I took a valise another gift from Winfield, planning for our honeymoon, I suppose and threw the few things I considered mine into it. My old clothes, some dispense with change, my journal. I flipped to an old page where Id written about Katherine.September 8, 1864She is not who she seems. Should I be surprised? Terrified? Hurt?Its as if everything I know, everything Ive been taught, everything Ive believed in my past seventeen years is wrong.I can still feel where she kissed me, where her fingers grasped my hands. I still yearn for her, and yet the voice of reason is screaming in my ears you cannot love a vampireIf I had one of her daisies, I could pluck the leaves and let the flower choose for me. I love her I love her not II love her.I do. No matter the consequences.Is this what following your heart is? I wish there was a map or a compass to help me find my way. But she has my heart and that above all else is my North Star and that will have to be enough.I snapped the book shut, curled my lip at my foolishness. Downstairs was the present reality and thinking about the past did no good. I threw the book into the valise and went downstairs.But instead of finding Lexi there to greet me, there was emptiness and a horrible, familiar scent.Death and decay.A faint breeze whistled through broken wood the back door was odd wide open. I shivered despite myself. The silence, Lexis absence, howled like a banshee.A single piece of paper, the size of a ticket, fluttered on the floor. I picked it up, feeling dread goad my skin.All it said was PAYMENT NUMBER TWO LUCIUS.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Role of Architecture on the Tourism Industry

On another yet parallel line, architecture has taken the lead in touristry as the main heading of tourist drill and has recently generated a specialized type called architecture touristry whereby specialist trips are organized around the cities worldwide to visit contemporary buildings designed by well-known architects as well as historically important or traditionally characteristic buildings (Chivalrous & Cigarillo, 2007).Tourism event, which boomed particularly during sass, introduced a very bleak and over arbitration causing not only major damages to coastal zones via massive constructions, but also to local life by meaner of rebirth of local economies for only tourists, which gradually resulting in the decline of these towns during off-seasons, and eventually destroying both local economy and social life. Nonetheless, despite many negative consequences, tourism activity continued its growth and became the center of global social, cultural and economic life.Therefore, the p henomenon of tourism, in which verse parameters play complex roles, necessitates an intense interaction among sectors and disciplines. Among these disciplines, architecture stands out as a leading actor since it not only facilitates investments, synthesizes the requirements of comfort and entertainment or organizes activities, technologies and spaces, but also creates identities and produces the imagery and iconography associated with branding of the tourism investors. Today, hence, tourism industry and architecture are in a comprehensive and very close interaction.As a matter of fact, authentically satirical architectural edifices have always triggered tourism (Stroller, 1989) by their values as either being witnesses to historical events, or representing various phenomena, or merely by their monumentality, originality or other assets. These unique masterpieces or contexts used to render certain destinations more advantageous over the others. Thus, relatively disadvantageous locat ions in terms of tourist attractions have developed various strategies to get the hang their position by the utilization of architecture again (Donald, 2007) due to its representation capacity.One of these strategies has been to create their own iconic symbols through contemporary architecture and its new forms by well-known designers, who are promoted as celebrities, while the other strategy being to simulate unique buildings and cities in these inopportune places which has no relevance to the location of the original. Recently, tourism industry seems to be promoting not only fake copies of historically important or well-known buildings, cities but also their kitsch and eclectic collage, such as monuments, pyramids, palaces, urban plazas and even the whole city f Venice in resorts.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

What Is a Personal Health Record (PHR)?

A new study suggests that a change in the way we keep health records could fork over billions. The study found that providing interoperable PHRs to 80% of the US population would cost $3. 7 billion in startup costs and $1. 9 billion in annual maintenance costs. According to the report from the Center for Information Technology Leadership at Partners Healthcare System in Boston, widespread use of PHRs could free the US healthcare industry between $13 and $21 billion a year. (www. myPHR. com) This past year, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.She has come to realize that this diagnosis also comes with a lot of medical documentation that sometimes has not been forwarded to her oncologist or family physician. After having read about the PHR, it came to my mind just how important and convenient having a Personal Health Record could be. I decided to search the Internet to see just what developing a PHR would take and how difficult it would be. After look for the AHIMA website, I was forwarded to a unique site at www. myPHR. com and on this site I found very helpful culture regarding the steps one psyche should take to develop their own PHR and the benefits it would serve.The definition of a PHR according to AHIMA, is The personal health record (PHR) is an electronic, universally available, lifelong resource of health information required by individuals to make health decisions. Individuals own and manage the information in the PHR, which comes from healthcare providers and the individual. The PHR is maintained in a secure and private environment, with the individual determine rights of access. The PHR is separate from and does not replace the legal record of any provider. (www. perspectives. ahima. rg) There are many options when it comes to creating your own PHR. A person may create it on their own they may be offered one by their Physicians office or even by their insurance provider. One should study to each one of the vendors policies before choosi ng because they may be different. Each vendor or supplier should hand policies in place for how they control access to a persons PHR and who they will authorize to access the information.Important points to remember about your PHR, according to www. myPHR. com are as follows * You should always have access to your PHR The information in your PHR should be accurate and complete * You control how much information is accessed * The PHR maybe separate and does not replace the Physicians legal medical record Information that is normally included in a PHR is Patient demographic sheet, problem list, MAR, history & physical, progress notes, consultations, physician orders, radiology reports, laboratory reports, immunisation records, operative reports, pathology reports, discharge summaries, emergency room records and consent forms.Once I gathered all my mothers medical records in one place, I scanned all her documents into her computer so that she had them all saved. I then transferred th e information on a USB drive so that she could easily access the documents anytime she needed. We are straight trying to decide whether to keep the information on her computer locally or to subscribe to one of the services that is mentioned on the myPHR website.If my mother did not have a computer available to her, it would also be beneficial for her to keep the information from her medical records that we had gathered in a folder in a safe place. Now my mother has her PHR at her fingertips and we can both focus our energy on her road to recovery rather than spending time track down medical records. The time I spent researching on www. myPHR. com was very valuable and made me very aware of how important having all your information in one, easily accessible place can be. I would recommend that everyone look into creating their own Personal Health Record.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Logarithmic functions

John Napier is the man credited to have contributed hugely to the fields of science, philosophy and mathematics. umpteen believe that he is the brainchild of the modern computer science since he helped in making multiplication, division and root extraction oftentimes easier especially for very(prenominal) large numbers. In the world of mathematics the genius of a man, John Napier is credited to have invented the logs as early as 1614 and states in his book The Descriptio that he started contemplating the idea of logarithms twenty years preferably which was in the year 1594. Using Napiers panel in his book, calculations were made using the logarithm identities. These be the arrange first and second laws of logarithms Log XY = Log X + Log Y as well asLog X / Y =Log X Log Y. In his book the DescriptioJohn Napier designated logarithmic function as a assortedial equation.When the base is b and the variable is x the logarithm to the base b of the variable x can be defined as the power to which you would raise b to get x. Other scientists define logarithm as the exponent to which the base must be raised to produce a given number(Standler, B.R 1990). That is denotative as if Logbx = n the bn = x or if Y = bLogx = by = x. there are three laws of logarithm that scientists drop in interpreting logarithm These laws areThe product to sum hold This law expresses that the product of a logarithm is equal to the sum of the individual logarithms and is expressed as Log bXY = Log b X+ Log b Y The second law The quotient of different rule states that the logarithm of a quotient is the same as subtracting the logarithm of the denominator from the logarithm of the numerator Logbx/y = Log bx Logby The third and utmost law The power rule states that logarithm of x equals to the exponent of that power multiplied to the logarithm of x Log bXn =nLogb X usual logarithmsAs earlier identified a logarithm to be valid must contain a base and a variable. Logarithms are classi fied into two Natural logarithms and Common logarithm. In common logarithms the base of the logarithm is assumed to be 10 when non indicated in a function, that is log 100 = 2 if the base is not indicated since if log 10100 = x therefore 10x = 100 hence x = 2. Common logarithm is much prevalent when using arithmetic series as conflicting to geometric series.Natural logarithmsIn the common logarithm system the base is expressed as b whereas in infixed logarithms the base number is expressed as e. This number e comes into use after the great mathematician from Switzerland by the name Leonhard Euler. Currently e is the base employ in chalkstone and has since been named as natural base. The value e Can be calculated from a series of factorials starting from one (1)This is e = 1 + 1/1 + +1/3 + and from this, the value of e is approximately 2.71828182845904. Currently, when Mathematicians calculate the natural logarithm of a number they indicate it as (log x) whereas physicists and engineers denote natural logarithms as lnX. Therefore log eX=ln X(Olds, C.D.1963)Logarithms make multiplication and division easier especially when using very big numbers, very small numbers and those with denary points. Scientists use of the 1st and 2nd laws of logarithms when adding the logarithms of the numbers the result is the logarithm of the product of those numbers whereas. Subtracting the logarithms of two numbers gives the logarithm of the quotient of the numbers.These arithmetic properties of logarithms make such calculations much faster and less laborious. Although logarithm table are slowly becoming obsolete due to the invention of calculators and computers, logarithms themselves are still very useful. However, for manual calculations which withal require a great degree of precision the logarithm tables are easier since one only needs to look up in the logarithm table and do some summation which are faster and easier than performing multiplication (Weisstein, E.W 200 7).Other than making calculations less labor intensive and much faster the use of logarithms also increases the accuracy of the results of calculations. This is because the use of logarithms allows minimal errors as the values in the table are approximations of the actual values and thus the error is spread.The Keplers Rudolphine table that was promulgated in 1627, made use of the logarithms and this resulted in more accurate values of latitudes of stars. They also together with Napiers Analogues made it cheaper and easier to calculate angles and sides of spherical triangles. The importance of this cutting technique is evidenced by the development of logarithmic methods based on logarithmic outdos enables multiplication to be quick and easy since there is decreased immense multiplication.Logarithms are very essential in the work of astronomists, navigators, mathematicians and all other scientific fields like alchemy and physics.Logarithms for chemists Chemists use logarithms to calculate chemical reactions that are ever occurring in the world that we are living in. for instance the measure of acidity of a substance is made easier when using logarithms. In the PH scale substances have PH ranging from 0 7. A juice with PH of 4 is 10 times more acidic that the one with a PH of 5. This PH scale is logarithmic and when there is a PH change of 1 unit the acidity changes by factor of 10. As identified by students of chemistry the strength of the acidity changes towards the negative direction that is the higher the PH, the less acidic the solution.This was calculated by use of very small numbers such as 0.00001 that is indite in logarithmic form as (1 x 10-5) where 5 is the logarithm of the number (Standler B.R.1990). As we all know acidic solutions contain henry ions H+(aq) and the pH is found by measuring the logarithm of the concentration of these ions and since many people would be confused by negative numbers, the PH is written assuming the negative sign an d this not withstanding, the PH is a logarithmic scale and the acidity of a solution with a given PH is different from that of the next pH number not by 1unit but by factor 10.Electrical and Electronic engineers use decibels and bels as units of measurements. The bell is devised in a convenient way to measure power loss in a telephone system wiring rather than giving in amplifiers originally, the bel used to represent the amount of signal power loss due to resistance over a standard length of electrical cable, however, it is presently defined in terms of logarithms of base 10. The Richter scale that is used to measure the earthquake intensity is a perfect analogy of the bel scale. The 6.0 Richter earthquakes are 10 times more powerful than a 5.0 Richter earthquake. This means that an advantage of using a logarithmic measurement scale is the tremendous range of extension affordable by a relatively small span of numerous values.ReferenceStrandler, R.B 1990 Editorial Mathematics for e ngineers. The journal ofUndergraduate mathematics and its application vol II, pages 1-6, springOlds, C, D, 1963. Continued fractions, Random nursing home New YorkWeisstein, Eric W. Natural logarithm from math world a wolfram web resourceAccessed online on 23/09/07

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Characters- No Sugar Essay

Through the characters names all the aboriginal names are given Christian names while the clean characters almost without exception are given titles and surnames. This humanizes the aboriginal characters and dehumanizes the clean-living characters while highlighting their position of power. White characters are demonized by their actions as well as their names, they refer to going back to the Tasmanian solution (pg44), showing that they have no regard for the aboriginals lives.JP racial- he refers to the aboriginal people as natives, and sees them as people who dont belong.. We Repelled by his cruel treatment towards the Aborigines.Impatient, self-centred- (interrupting) Look, Im not interested in what you had for dinner. If youve got an explanation, just tell me what it is.Frank-The alone purity character, Frank brown is the only one who has a real relationship with the aboriginals and he is the only one of the white characters whos afforded a white name. Hes accused of supplyin g liquor to jimmy.Millie-Persists and does what she believes is right.Stereotypical women and caring mother to her children. Supportive mother, takes awe of her child when shes sick- My girls in hospital, we need blankets.Jimmy-Aboriginal, deprivation of education- sorry sir I was on the shit buckettoilet, got guts ache. Impatient and persistent- will not give up on seeing Mr Neville. Says what he thinks You crawl in one thing about Fremantle gaol even some of them screws are polite- not like this place. Native protectorcouldnt protect my dog from fleas.Neville-RacistBelieves aboriginals do not and should not have the same power and allowances as white people. Ignorant and Disrespectful Munday let me give you some advice sugar catches much flies then vinegar. Although reats white people with respect. E.g. Miss Dunn granny knot and JimmyThese are the two characters evolve in the passage through their actions and behaviour . Gran becomes a more noble character and appears benevole nt in relation to her family. The Aboriginal family and particularly gran are shown to have extremely strong bonds and care about each other deeply, this is even more noticeable when compared to the indifference of the white chracters This contrasted to jimmys behaviour of false sincerity and respect for the white individuals reaffirms grans intelligence of character. She delveopes and becomes more of a realistic character whos clearly has her best familys interest at heart.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Plans for expansion of The new 3G technology

1. T-mobile already has a wide range of mobile phones available on varied payment tariffs. Phones ar always cosmos updated and novel innovations. The latest invention in the mobile world is 3G enabled mobile phones. Mobile phones commit evolved a lot since the first 1G analogue phone. by and by the 1G mobile phone 2G phone was next this included GSM, TDMA and cdmaone. After the 2G phones came the 2.5G phones this included the ideas of the 2G phones but at a faster rate and the EDGE engineering. The 3G phone leave alone have wireless technology which will enable enhancements to current applications, including greater data speeds, increased capacity for voice and data and the advent of packet data networks versus todays switched networks. The parvenu 3G mobile phones will enable users to access the internet.2. The drudgery processes will need to be carefully managed when manufacturing the new 3G mobile phones. There are three different types of crossroadion rules which coul d be used potbelly, flow and job production. I believe the best production method for this product would be batch production as this would suit the type of product well. The advantages of using the batch production system would mean increased output of the product. The costs of production would be reduced. many flexibleness is retained so that different types of the product can be made3. I imagine that patents/trademarks/ secure would be a good idea to use for the new 3G technology of mobile phone provided to enforce this business would need expensive court action.4. The new product will need a good marketing strategy which keeps in theme with the early(a) products available from the company. The marketing mix proficiency which is a combination of product, price, procession and place. The price of the product is a very important factor to catch there are 2 factors that affect the price of a product the elasticity and supply and demand. If the product is price inelastic then it is not very sensitive to changes in price. If the product is price elastic then the product in very sensitive to changes in price I believe that the new 3G mobile phone is a price elastic product and if you changed the price the demand would vary a lot. Promotion is another important factor when introducing a new product.There are two types of publicity above the line and below the line promotion. Above the line promotion is through media such as TV, radio, and cinema. Below the line promotion is a range of promotional techniques such as personal sell, propose marketing in which the firms have control over as they are usually led by them not outside agencies. I believe that the new 3G mobile phone will benefit from promotion on the television, through direct mail shots and newspaper promotions.5. Some of the advantages of the new 3G technology. The new 3G technology will improve communication skills due to the widespread access to information it will allow more sophisticate co mmunication. The new 3G mobile phones will be better quality and the customers will have more choice. Some of the disadvantages with the new 3G technology would be the cost of the new technology is quite high there are also some risks involved in integrating the new product. There may also be some resistance to the change in the new mobile phone technology. Overall I think that the advantages out weigh the disadvantages.6. For managing the change I would suggest recording how the cut-rate sales of the original products are selling before the 3G mobile phones are introduced and then also recording the sales when the new 3G mobile technology is introduced. If the sales of the old product falls new marketing techniques could be used to increase the sale sof this product and to maintain the sales of the new product.7. In conclusion I have found that the new 3G technology would be a good new product for the company to introduce alongside the other wide range of mobile phones t-mobile has on offer. My advice would be to introduce the new 3G technology for a running play and see how the product sells and what marketing techniques need to be used for the product.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Case Study: Managerial Finance Chapter 14

BUS650 Managerial Finance Chapter 14 Closing Case prof Darrell Early October 8, 2011 1. If Stephenson wishes to maximize its total mart nourish, would you recommend that it sleep with debt or law to finance the sphere get? Explain. If Stephenson wishes to maximize the overall nurse of the upstanding, it should use debt to finance the $95 one thousand million acquire. Since interest payments are tax deductible, debt in the firms capital structure will decrease the firms taxable income, creating a tax shield that will increase the overall value of the firm. 2. constrain Stephensons market value quietus sheet before it announces the purchase.Since Stephenson is an all-equity firm with 15 million shares of common descent outstanding, worth $34. 50 per share, the market value of the firm is Market value of equity = $34. 50(15,000,000) Market value of equity = $517,500,000 So, the market value ease sheet before the land purchase is Assets $517,500,000 Debt - legality $517,500 ,000 Total assets $517,500,000 Debt & honor $517,500,000 3. Suppose Stephenson decides to issue equity to finance the purchase. a. What is the net make up value of the project? As a result of the purchase, the firms pre-tax earnings will increase by$23 million per course in perpetuity.These earnings are taxed at a judge of40 percent. at that placefore, after taxes, the purchase increases the annual anticipate earnings of the firm by Earnings increase = $23,000,000(1 . 40) Earnings increase = $13,800,000 Since Stephenson is an all-equity firm, the appropriate discount rate is the firms unlevered cost of equity, so the NPV of the purchase is NPV= $95,000,000 + ($13,800,000 / . 125)NPV = $15,400,000 b. Construct Stephensons market value isotropy sheet after it announces that the firm will finance the purchase using equity.What would be the new set per share of the firms storage? How many shares will Stephenson need to issue in lay to finance the purchase? After the announceme nt, the value of Stephenson will increase by $15. 4 million, the net present value of the purchase. Under the efficient-market hypothesis, the market value of the firms equity will immediately compound to reflect the NPV of the project. Therefore, the market value of Stephensons equity after the announcement will be candor Value = $517,500,000 + $15,400,000 loveliness Value = $ 532,900,000 Market value end sheetOld assets $517,500,000Debt NVP of project$15,400,000Equity $532,900,000 Total equity$532,900,000Debt & Equity$532,900,000 Since the market value of the firms equity is $532,900. 000 and the firm has 15 million shares of common pipeline outstanding. Stephensons acquit set after the announcement will be New share legal injury $532,900,000/ $15,000,000 New share terms $35. 53 Since Stephenson must raise $95 million to finance the purchase and the firms stock worth $35. 53 per share, Stephanie must issue Shares to issue = $95,000,000/$35. 53 Shares to issue = $2,673,797 c.Construct Stephensons market value balance sheet after the equity issue, but before the purchase has been made. How many shares of common stock does Stephenson have out- standing? What is the price per share of the firms stock? Stephenson will receive $95 million in cash as a result of the equity issue. This will increase the firms assets and equity by $95 million. So, the new market value balance sheet after the stock issue will be Market value balance sheet Cash$95,000,000Debt Old assets$517,500,000Equity$627,900,000 NPV of project$15,400,000 Total Assets$627,900,000Debt & Equity$627,900,000The stock change will hold on unchanged. To show this Stephenson will have to Total shares outstanding = $15,000,000 + 2,673,797 Total shares outstanding = 17,673,797 So the share price is Share price = $627,900,00/$17,673,797 Share price = $35. 53 d. Construct Stephensons market value balance sheet after the purchase has been made. The market value balance sheet of the company Old assets $ 517,500,000Debt construct $95,000,000Equity$627,900,000 NVP of project$15,400,000 Total assets $627,900,000Debt& Equity$627,900,000 4. Suppose Stephenson decides to issue debt in regularize to finance the purchase. . What will the market value of the Stephenson company be if the purchase is financed with debt? Modilgliani-Miller states that in a world with corporate taxes Vl = Vu + cB As was shown in question 3, Stephenson will be worth $627. 9 million if it finances the purchase with equity. It is to finance the initial the outlay of the project with debt the firm would have $95 million. So the value of the company if it financed with debt is Vl = $627,900,000 + . 40 ($95,000,000) Vl = $665,900,000 b. Construct Stephensons market value balance sheet after both the debt issue and the land purchase.What is the price per share of the firms stock? After the announcement, the value of Stephenson will immediately rise by the percent value of the project. Since the market value of the f irms debt is $95 million and the value of the firm is $627. 9 million w can calculate the market value of Stephensons equity. Stephensons market value balance sheet after the debt issue will be Value unlevered$627,900,000Debt$95,000,000 Tax sheet$38,000,000Equity$570,900,000 Total assets $665,900,000Debt& Equity$665,900,000 Since the market value of Stephensons equity is $570. million and the firm has 15 million shares of common stock outstanding. Stephensons stock price after the debt issue will be stock list Price = $570,900,000/$15,000,000 Stock Price = $38. 06 5. Which method of financing maximizes the per-share stock price of Stephensons equity? If Stephenson uses equity in order to finance the project, the firms stock price will remain at 35. 53 per share. If the firm uses debt in order to finance the project, the firms stock price will rise to $38. 06 per share. There fare, debt financing maximizes the per share stock price of a firms equity.

How to Plan a Great Family Vacation

Process abridgment provision a Great Family Vacation I. Introduction A. Lead In B. Thesis II. Reserving a get on A. Choosing your location B. Pay the deposit for the inhabit III. Purchase Supplies A. Purchase Clothing and accessories B. Purchase groceries IV. Packing for the blow up A. Make check list while packing B. Check things off as they are jammed up. V. Conclusion A. Restatement B. Ending Process Essay Planning a Great Family Vacation After operative totally year ache, sometimes sixty plus hours a week, the mind and body can do very worn down. You have to have a break or your work performance could suffer.The pass part of winter or the first part of spring, is when you start thinking, Wow, I really command a vacation You can usually tell when that time is coming. That is when you think about beginning the process of training your yearly family vacation. The process of planning for a family vacation result ensure a worry-free, pleasant vacation, from choosing and reserving a room, to purchasing all supplies you entrust need, to finally packing up and heading out to your week long vacation. The first step is to choose and reserve your room. You can choose the room based on some(prenominal) things, cost being one of the most important.You depart also need to choose a room based on what activities you plan to do and what the hotel is near. You can usually pay your deposit in February for your July vacation. This guarantees that you allow have a place to stay while you are on vacation. It also means little you will have to pay when you arrive for the week of your vacation. The deposit is usually the cost of the room for cardinal nights plus a cleaning or security deposit. The next step is to purchase all the supplies you will need for the trip. You will most likely need new clothe that will be stick out appropriate and any accessories you will need.For the lake, it is a good idea to make sure that you have turn for warm weather, such a s bathing suits, shorts, cover ups, and flip-flops. Also make sure to have seemly clothing to last you the length of your stay, unless you will have access to a washer and dryer. To save money on dining out, purchase groceries to last you for the week. You can buy things to make sandwiches so that you do non have to spend a lot of your vacation in the kitchen. Also, purchase things for several home-cooked meals so that you will not be tempted to eat out often. The final step will be packing for your trip.Make a list of things that you will need while on vacation. Be sure to pack all clothing and toiletries that you will need for a week. Also be sure to pack any medications that you will need for the length of your stay. As you pack, take the time to mark things off your list. Did you remember all of the kids swimsuits, floats, water toys and sun blocker? Did you pack snacks for the ride to your destination and games for the kids to play while riding to keep them from getting bore d? Planning in advance and thoroughly for your vacation is the best way to make whoopie your vacation when the time to go finally arrives.As long as you have planned correctly by reserving your room, purchasing your supplies, and packing properly, you will have a fabulous and worry free vacation. You and the whole family will be able to enjoy your time away, and you will make many memories to enjoy because you took all the stress and worry out of your vacation by properly planning the trip. Later on, you will be able to reminisce about all the great times you had with your family while knowing that you did all you could to guarantee that your family had the best vacation possible

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Should you be fired for what you post on social media sites

Can you purpose fired for what you post online? In October 2010, Mariana Cole-Rivera, a domestic violence advocate at the group Hispanics join of Buffalo, began the Facebook thread that would get her fired. Cole-Rivera and four of her co-workers whod responded to her post had lost their jobs. Their boss said their Facebook thread violated HUBs worrying policy by disparaging a co-worker. The Facebook post said that, Lydia Cruz, who is one of their co-workers, felt that the group wasnt serving their clients enough at the Hispanics United of Buffalo.Cole-Rivera responded to this by evidenceing, IVe about had it and she also wrote, My fellow coworkers how do you feel? at heart minutes, HUB colleagues began posting supportive comments. What the Hell, one wrote, we dont have a life as is, said one, and what else potful we do, the others wrote. aft(prenominal) they were fired, the workers took their case to the National Labor Relations Board, the federal agency charged with interp reting and enforcing U. S. labor law.A taste sided with them, but now the case is on appeal. There have been more than a few stories in the news about employees being fired because of what they posted online. People need to ealize that when you use your work information processing system for any personal business whether it is good or bad, open fire get you in trouble, or rase cost you your Job, especially, if the company has guidelines on computer use on the Job. Dan Prywes, an expert in labor and conflict law, in Washington, D. C. explains that Employers are within their rights to limit social networking site access, Dan also said that, you need to be prepared for the consequences when you post online.If a small-business owner sees something unsavory written about themselves or their company online, they can call their workers in and talk with them about it. But whether or not you can take transaction and fire them is dependent on state law, outside of a written contract or article at public companies, employment is at-will. My question is What are your rights when it comes to talking about work online? Should you be allowed to say what you want?Recently, the National Labor Relations Board issued a series of rulings and advisories that have made it embezzled for employers to fire anyone who casts the company in an untavorable light online. The NLRB says employees nave a right to discuss work conditions freely and without disquietude of retribution, whether the discussion takes place at the office or on Facebook. However, not all work-related speech is protected. For example, your employer can still fire you if you post something negative about a client or customers on Facebook. In my opinion, if you dont have anything good to say, dont say it at all.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Education for Rizal… Education for me… Essay

Every now and then my parents pass on on telling me that my education should be in the number one slot in my list of priorities. They keep on telling me that I should put a great deal on finishing my studies. They read (like every parents say), it is the only thing they could leave to us when they pass away. So, without ventureing about it thoroughly, this idea was instilled in my sense right away. But now that we were asked to write our idea about education and relate it with Rizals, this may serve as an opportunity for me to assess and reinforce this thought.As what the books say, the greatness of education is quite clear. fostering is the knowledge of putting ones potentials to maximum use. One can safely say that a human organism is not in the proper sense till he is educated. The training of a human mind is not complete without education. Education makes man a right thinker. It tells man how to think and how to make decision. Only through the attainment of education, man is enabled to receive information from the external realism to bring out himself with past history and receive all necessary information regarding the present.Without education, man is as though in a closed room and with education he finds himself in a room with all its windows move over towards outside world. The thought that education is indeed very critical for a nation to be at its best is not new to us. Right? Even our national hero has a say on this. In his works and writings, his educational philosophy is the most emphasized. Philosophy may be defined as the study and pursuit of facts which deal with the ultimate reality or causes of things as they affect life.Rizals concept of the importance of education is clearly enunciated in his work entitled Instruction wherein he sought improvements in the schools and in the methods of teaching. He maintained that the backwardness of his country during the Spanish era was not due to the Filipinos indifference, apathy or indolence a s claimed by the rulers, but to the neglect of the Spanish authorities in the islands. For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the peoples mentality.Since education is the foundation of society and a obligatory for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from domination. Rizals philosophy of education, therefore, centers on the cooking of proper motivation in order to strengthen the great social forces that make education a success, to create in the youth an innate desire to cultivate his intelligence and give him life eternal. another(prenominal) thing, Rizal also sees education as the basis for his idea of an ideal Filipino. We can even observe in all his works and writings education plays a very important role.His purposes are greatly influence by education. For instance, in his Noli Me Tangere, the character of Crisostomo Ibarra, the elements of knowledge and educa tion is clearly depicted. This is the reason why it is said that Ibarra is the character representation of Jose Rizal. He used education as a means towards attaining his aim of Philippine independence. Upon seek for our report in PI which is the Second Wave of Rizals Travels, I came across his letter to the women of Malolos. This letter is a way of extending his admiration to the said women.This also make my previous statements true, Rizal really puts much value on education. In this letter of his, Rizal pleads to the mothers for them to teach their children to love our mother nation and to fight for our liberty. Through this end also, our children allow for be able to acquire their worthy education. The thoughts of Rizal on education and how he used it as apparatus for attaining Philippines independence made me realize its true meaning and importance. I remember, when I was still young, education for me is being able to go to school, nothing more. But it is a whole heap more.Edu cation is a contrive with too many dimensions, too many to mention. Education plays an important role in the progress of an individuals mind and country. Ignorance and poverty are major speed-breakers in the swift developing country and can be whip comfortably through education. You cant really call yourself educated if you can read and write or get flat 1s in every subject. A person who is educated has a certain ambience around him, of dignity and wisdom. If you are educated, you dont need to abide by the facts that the book recites, or follow Aristotles philosophy. wish head Jose Rizal, an educated person builds on the facts the book says and has his own philosophy. If you are educated, you cant have a molest philosophy. Education is everything. People are made aware of what is going on in the wide world and can understand these issues and take necessary measures. The quality of human resource of a nation is easily judged by the number of literate population living in it. Thi s is to say that education is a must if a nation aspires to achieve growth and development and more importantly sustain it.This may well explain the fact that rich and developed nations of the world have very high literacy rate and fecund human resource. In fact these nations have started imparting selective training and education programs so as to meet the new technical and business demands of the 21st century. The importance of education cannot be neglected by any nation. And in todays world, the role of education has become even more vital. It is an absolute necessity for sparing and social development of any nation. SourceLife, Ideas, and Works or Rizal by Zalde.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Green Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Green Construction - Essay ExampleIn coming up with green mental synthesis, there are various methods incorporated by the actors during the labor movement planning up to the closedown stage of that project (Nielson, Wolfe and Dave 8). One of the green building methods includes site stewardship. This process of green building is meant to nourish and preserve the site on which the project will be set out. Practices such as prim drainage plan, designed storage and loading zones for the building materials are among the practices that will enhance green construction on the site. Moreover, mitigating dust during excavation and construction helps to reduce air pollution.This is one of the green building methods that calculate to prevent adverse impacts on the environment. EIA is a management tool used to identify the feasibility of the project to be carried out. This method identifies the effects that the intended project may cause to the surrounding environment and provides the te mperance measures to address adverse impacts if any.This is one of the green building methods that enhance the aesthetic value of the landscape. This method incorporates practices such as identifying vegetation that is fit for the project site and the surrounding neighborhood to bring out an eco balance. It overly includes planting of vegetation where none existed and logical arrangement of different infrastructures on the site to enhance agreement between the built and natural environment.Choosing materials for construction can have a tremendous impact on the outcome of the project to the environment. Re-using and recycling materials is regarded as a sustainable approach to achieving a green building as it reduces pollution cost to the environment (Spiegel & Meadows 124).During foundation stage, the use of extruded polystyrene insulation to insulate the slab and the foundation is real vital for heat conservation. This material will assist to minimize heat loss from the floors an d basement

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Common social-political barriers corporate aviation operators confront Research Paper

everyday social- policy-making barriers incarnate melodic line operators confront when attempting to enter contrasted markets - Research Paper ExampleThe integrated aviation industry can help in the economic development of an entire region or a particular industry such as tourism. But it is also dependent on the latent request for goods and services. Thus lack of air transport can stymie the economic growth and lead to excesses or inappropriateness in supply. The corporate aviation industry can thus shape the speed and miscellany of globalization and the related processes. With increasing globalization, the air aviation industry is trying to invest in foreign countries to expand their bases. But such a strategy has many ramifications such as migration of labor. Thus corporate aviation needs to carefully strategize its choices so that they can achieve operational efficiency.The research problem devoted is analysis of common social-political barriers which corporate aviation o perators face when they attempt to enter foreign markets. With increasing globalization, the topic economies have integrated with each other. This has led to flow of trade, capital flows, foreign direct investment, and spread of engine room and capital flows. The business aviation industry is an important part of the aviation industry since it caters to the premium fragment of the aviation industry. Everything which corporate aviation does basically depends on time and is driven on flexibility.The globalization of trade, supply-chaining, political forces and outsourcing have changed the world for better and worse. In the process of investment in foreign countries a corporate aviation company needs to analyze carefully the political and social factors. This research paper focuses on the social-political barriers which they will face.The corporate aviation industry is a highly protected and regulated one, and it is done with the figure of utilizing it as a lever for attaining larg er economic and political objectives. Initially there was no such demand for such an industry, but

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Plagiarism - Essay ExampleElectronic communication has become prevalent in the redbrick era, such as through the internet or telephone. In particular, the internet has become a prevalent method of spreading in strainingation, both positive and negative (Buttle, 1998). Other potential WOM mechanisms that are not include in Arndts definition are licks of written communication such as e-mail, letters and faxes. The heartbeat problematic aspect of this definition is that the person communication is considered to be unassociated with the item that is being discussed. Consumers are decorous more wary about how independent advice from a third party is, but WOM remains an influential source of information. Many businesses have been working to try and take advantage of the ability of WOM to promote goods or services, by playing a direct role in the recommendation process. For example, relationship marketing uses the overture of rewarding customers who recommend family or friends. Likewi se, the use of reciprocal referrals has been developing in many businesses (Stokes & Lomax, 2002). One form of this is schemes that are known as Member Get Member (MGM). In addition, network marketing has substantial to the extent that the personal relationships that an individual has and that clients have, have become crucial in the development of sales. The fact that this form of recommendation is often successful shows that although the person giving the recommendation is not independent, there is still a significant effect on behaviour, and thus, it is a WOM activity. These arguments have resulted in the development of a more streetwise definition of WOM, which is all communication that occurs between people that focuses on either products or services, where the communication is believed to be impartial by the receiver (Stokes & Lomax, 2002).The use of personal referral is often considered to be a highly legal method of influencing the behaviour of consumers.

Monday, May 13, 2019

MKT MGT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

MKT MGT - Essay ExampleBroadly it tells who the product will be sold to, the marketing mix and its differentiation and positioning aims.The daily newspaper that I have selected for the subprogram of this report is Financial Times. It is a corporate or business daily newspaper that is published in United Kingdom that is rotated all over the world. It was launched in 1988 by Horatio Bottomley. It was initially cognise as the London Financial Guide but was renamed later in the same year. In the proterozoic years it was in competition with another publication known as financial news but then both the papers were merged into 6 pages newspaper. It has a worldwide publication of around 432,990 (Mikdashi 2001).In this case the business usually divides the market into sub division based on some universal characteristics such as demographics and then one or more segments are selected as target audience. This expressive style they are able to cater to the needs of the audience in a bette r way. Segmentation feces be based on multiple characteristics even. Initially Financial Times was only published in UK and was targeted for business people in that region but as globalization increased and the world started shrivel FT increased its coverage and started seeping from the UK boundaries. The first target audience was Germany with publication in capital of Kentucky then slowly it became a global newspaper with special additions and supplement for UK, USA, Middle East, Asia and continental Europe. hence people all around the world come under their scope and there is no partition in terms of geographic region. As the name suggests Financial Times is a business or corporate newspaper which is read by people who belong to the corporate world or students who plan to join it soon. This is the major most focus market of Financial Times. Apart from this people who have take in the financial working of the market are also

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Delta Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Delta Airlines - Essay ExampleThe caller-out survived the tough market conditions in the aftermath of 9/11 to become the top player in the industry. Delta Airlines has benefited from implementing innovative marketing strategies. The use of marketing alliances has enabled Delta to increase its travel destination offerings by 54%.A branding strategy allows a follow to charge a premium price for its services magic spell retaining a higher proportion of its customers. Branding strategy develop everyplace time. Delta has been in the industry over 85 years. Delta has been able to increase the value of its brand by being a good bodily citizen. The fellowship has great environmental record. The familiarity hired ENSR, a leading environmental service supplier to implement a recycling program in order to reduce the amount of waste generated in its flights (Lohas, 2007).The grand marketing strategy Delta is utilizing is a differentiation strategy. Differentiated marketing involves opera ting in several(prenominal) market segments and designing products or special service offering for each segment (Kotler, 2003). Two factors that enabled the come with to differentiate itself from its competition are product variety and the quality of its service offerings. With the help of marketing alliances and unions the company is able offer its customer 572 different travel destinations.The companys ability to enter into partnership agreements with other airlines allowed the enterprise to increase its target market. The marketing alliances at Delta have increased the scope of the companies market. The companys customer profile includes both business travelers and people who travel in leisure trips. The markets the company targets are not limited to domestic travelers. The marketing alliances Delta established helped the company increase its presence in foreign marketplaces.Delta airlines utilizes a segmentation marketing strategy. The company uses its strategic alliance as to ol to enter different

Saturday, May 11, 2019

HR Hiring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

HR Hiring - Essay ExampleThe project aims to develop a personnel office selection bit for the position of the Human Resource Manager with specialization in Human Relations. The procedure requires making a thorough analysis of the job requirement based on which selection carcass would be developed. The procedure would include the different aspects of recruitment, selection, hiring and acculturation. The recruitment procedure primarily uses the behaviorally based structured consultation technique for assessing the abilities of the candidates. Moreover, the strengths of using the techniques have also been stated and its relevance in measuring the knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics (KSAPs) of candidates. found on the answers that the interrogateer provides, the rater must assign specific ratings and add notes to those answers. The researcher concludes that the candidate must also be observed in name of his behaviors, mannerisms, attitudes and body language. After the interview, the rater must sum up the ratings beside each top dog to being out the total score of the candidate. This score along with the observed qualities of candidates by the interviewer must be analyzed to evaluate his fitness in the specific role. It is mentioned that the main advantage of such structured interview is its reliability, validity and fairness and legal defensibility. Also, the researcher explores the performance management system, that designs, plans and implements the entire performance of employees in terms of their goals and objectives.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Emergency Medicine Concepts and Principles Research Paper

Emergency treat Concepts and Principles - Research Paper ExampleEmergencies Emergencies, on the other hand be events which usually threaten existence health, safety, and welf are (Department of Environmental Management, n.d). These incidents differ from each other in terms of size, location, and their causes, as well as impact however, despite these considerations, they usually all impact negatively on the environment. Emergencies are also considered as unheralded events which impact negatively on the lives and properties of plurality, and eventually they prompt the use of fraternity emergency and single-valued function responses as well as procedures (Emergency Management Institute, n.d). Examples for emergencies include forest fires, outbreaks of diseases, road blocking landslides, and floods covering towns and farms (Central edge Center Independent Living, n.d). In Australia, in the two landslides which occurred from 1939 to 2007, about 28 individuals were killed and 101 other individuals importantly impacted (CRED, 2007). Wildfires numbering 28 were seen from 1939 to 2007, this caused the death of 300 people, and caused damages amounting to about 1.2 million US dollars (CRED, 2007). Disasters Disasters are a condition or situation of significant destruction, disruption and/or distress to a community (Emergency Management Australia (2004, p. ix). In a similar vein, the United Nations (1992) consider disasters to be incidents which seriously interrupt the principle activities of society as they cause significant human and environmental losses more than what can ordinarily be handled by the community resources. Beachley (2005) enumerated the following as disasters floods, extreme range of temperatures, epidemics, multiple car crashes, and environmental contamination through chemical agents. In... There are various principles and concepts which define and govern disasters and emergencies. Basically, disasters and emergencies are unexpected events which have a significant effect on various individuals and large communities. These disasters impact significantly on the lives of many people. They bring about physical as well as psychological effects. Emergency caution helps authorities cope with these disasters and it helps people recover and prepare for these emergencies. Emergency management is important because most communities deliver a persistent hazard and risk for losses from emergencies and disasters. These hazards may come in the form of cancel threats like floods, cyclones, earthquakes, and tsunamis it also includes technological hazards like chemical, biological, and radiological threats. Australia is situated in an earthquake prone land which it at a continuous threat from earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as volcanic eruptions. It is also in a region likely to be hit by storms which lead to floods and landslides. It s humid temperature also places it at a higher risk for suffering bushfires. With adequate plannin g and coordination, the prevention and management of these incidents are ensured. The prepared communities are communities which have managed to make the necessary plans for these emergencies. The systems in this community are coordinated and the local anesthetic as well as national agencies are linked with each other. With these plans in place, it is possible for people and communities to minimise the impact of disasters and emergencies.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

COACH INC. case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

COACH INC. - Case Study vitrineIn addition, there have been some difficult points in the economy that have alter avocation in the bagging industry. This means groom Inc. has learned from and expanded on what competitors are doing within in industry in order to stay on top of the market and maintain their business. THE BUSINESS OF dismissal CUSTOMERS baby buggy Inc. is an American keep company dealing in leather goods from bags, shoes, jeweler, wallets and many other products. handler was started in 1941 and has expanded rapidly in leaps and bounds, especially after the turn of the 21st century, and right now it boasts of oer 500 branches worldwide. Coach started as a bagging firm back then and specialized in the manufacturing and sales agreement of leather bags. The company was later bought by a bigger company called Sara. Lee Corporations in the 1970s. Sara Lee was diversifying its merchandise leading to the purchase of Coach among others. This diversification strategy did not work protrude well for Sara Lee and Coach suffered from lack of focused management (Encyclopedia, 2012). The large portfolio proved hard to traverse under one management. In 2000, Frankfort Lee, the CEO of Coach, convinced the management of Sara Lee to allow Coach to run independently. This strategy paved the way for the growth and expansion of Coach. In fact, the companys growth was averaged at 51% per annum since 2002. This paper seeks to establish the factors that contributed to this rapid expansion and what exactly is the reason why the company was less affected by the economical downturn in the later part of the first decade of the 21st millennium. This paper, therefore, starts by outlining the reasons why the company could weather the economic downturn storm and the strategies it employed. It then goes ahead to discussed what Coach did that its competitors did not hence giving it a comparative advantage, lastly, it analyses the success of these strategies employed by Co ach Inc. In 2008, a global economic depression hit affecting the United States of America and the entire world. During this time, many businesses collapsed and Coach was expected to follow suit. However, Coach expanded its operations to wider markets in Northern America and competed with leading brands. Although the company started as a maker of small leather handbags for ladies, it is currently a leader in the sale of handbags, wallets, luggage, briefcases and many other related products. How Coach Has Managed to be Successful in Challenging Economic Conditions Coach managed to be successful despite the economic challenges as a result of several management and selling strategies. One management strategy was the creation of a business plan with a merged strategy. The corporate strategy gave Coach the authority to run its activities independently without the interference of the mother company. This proved to be the fateful step. Coach planned to expand and diversify its operations . The company, which had a narrow range of products that were made of leather alter into jewelry, eyewear and picture frames production and selling. It opened more stores in International markets, including Canada and China, setting up multiple stores in the countries it ventured into. The large population in China gave the Coach Inc. a ready and wide market for its products. By increasing its market share, Coach was in a position to navigate through hard economic times. Coach managed to cruise through the economic downturn through proper analysis of trends in the mode industry and market at large. Through this analysis,

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Self-Concept-PSY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Self-Concept-PSY - establish ExampleThis means that we have the ability to puzzle choices and that not everything in life is completely deterministic, as yet though some aspects ar. Through exploring experiential freedom, this is the way in which we learn and grow. Societies and the development on some(prenominal) the personal level and collective level is based on the ability to make choices, whether they are righteousness or wrong. I think that the least important trait is organismic trusting. Rogers basically utter that this is doing what feels indispensable. As a component of basic living, humans are going to do whatever they please, whether it is natural or not. Thus, this component of being able to be fully functional seems to be redundant and unnecessary. These qualities are related to the development of personality. The decisions and method by which a person lives will inherently play a role in the development of the self. In addition, the qualities of society and soc ialization will also play a role in the development of personality. The five traits are highly abstract that deal with the ability to make choices and the way in which a person looks at the world and interacts.