Saturday, May 23, 2020

Basic Guidelines for Nutrition Essay - 2872 Words

Almost everyone I know thinks that nutrition advice is confusing and contradictory. Those that don’t think so are just not interested in the advice and so ignore it. Students come to class every week with questions about whether they need to take fish oil caplets, drink lots of milk and stock up on pomegranate juice. My answer is usually that the evidence is contradictory. The truth is that â€Å"basic† nutrition guidelines are not confusing and haven’t changed much in thirty years. What you need to eat is lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. You need a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and you need plenty of fluids, the best of which is water. What you should avoid is food with saturated and trans†¦show more content†¦Preliminary results, however, often do not hold up. Sometimes results are pushed by food and supplement manufacturers trying to increase their market share and profit margins. Convincing you that their products are good for you encourages you to buy them and thus makes good business sense. Companies constantly develop, look for and present evidence, even if it is shaky, to bolster their health claims. So what is a person to do? You could stick to the â€Å"basic† nutrition advice and ignore the media and corporate hype about new developments. No doubt, however, you will start to get curious about the new vitamin drink that your friends say will improve your tennis game. Or you will wonder if the new wheat grass diet will really make losing that extra five pounds you picked up during fall semester effortless. What you need to evaluate claims is a critical and somewhat cynical approach (think it’s all about money) and some idea about the pitfalls of even the best nutrition research. Nutrition information comes from many different kinds of studies, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. Epidemiological studies provide broad information about populations. For these studies, researchers look at diseases and diet for a large group of people and sees what patterns appear. For example,Show MoreRelatedExercise And Training Program : The Weight Management And Bmi Questions873 Words   |  4 Pages1. HS 200: Pre-Requisite Test #1 Overall I got an 8.5% on this Pre-Req Test a. Strengths: I think my strengths were in the exercise and training program questions, the weight management and BMI questions, the questions on basic nutrition concepts, and some of exercise science vocabulary questions. Even though I took HS200 a few years ago it was a class I did well in. 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