Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Compare And Contrast Oedipus And Othello - 1816 Words

When asked to think of a classic play that shaped the whole of literature, some of the most common answers will include Oedipus by Sophocles and Othello by William Shakespeare. Both of these texts are held in high regard as some of the greatest writing of our time, not only for their command and use of language but for their intricately woven storylines and tragic endings. Both title characters were written as tragic characters, and as such their stories result in unhappy endings for all involved. The difference is that while one story was running along a set course put in place by an outward force and unable to be altered, the other tragedy was completely self-inflicted. Oedipus had no choice but to succumb to the fate placed in front of†¦show more content†¦But as a tragedy is defined, both stories were always going to end in sorrow, because without tragedy there can be no tragic hero. In Oedipus, the central tragedy is that of a disgraced king who fulfills a prophecy that he had worked so hard to avoid. In order to rescue his people from a plague, he sets out on a journey of discovery that leads him to learn that the people he thought were his parents were really just his adoptive parents, and that he actually had come to fulfill the prophecy that he would marry his mother and kill his father. At one point, he argues that he should be able to change his fate, and the response he receives is â€Å"I have no more to say; storm as thou willst,/And give the rein to all thy pent-up rage† (Oedipus the King, lines 346-347). Oedipus comes to realize that there is no changing the fate that his been placed on his life. Being so distraught over this, Oedipus gauges out his own eyes so that he no longer can see the pain and suffering that he has inflicted upon his people and his world. In Othello, we see an entirely different story. Whereas Oedipus was constantly attem pting not to fulfill the prophecy that had been placed upon him, Othello had no such stories to help guide him. His tragedy arises from the fact that the man he had thought to be a friend, Iago, feeds Othello lies and falseShow MoreRelatedOthello Notes2305 Words   |  10 PagesOthello Notes: Assessment Objectives: AO1: A consistently fluent, precise writing, using critical terminology to present a coherent and detailed argument in which the question is well understood and answered. AO2: Well developed, analytical and consistently detailed discussion of effects of language, form and structure and ways in which it affects the audience. AO3: Well informed and detailed discussion of different readings of the text by various audiences, as well as different criticalRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words   |  17 Pageswork as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. You may select a work from the list below or another novel or play of comparable literary merit. Alias Grace Middlemarch All the King’s Men Moby-Dick Candide Obasan Death of a Salesman Oedipus Rex Doctor Faustus Orlando Don Quixote A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Gesture Life Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Ghosts The Scarlet Letter GreatRead MoreA Summary On Tragedy 2914 Words   |  12 Pagesand he places that prize at risk through his own choices. Aristotle further elaborates that the tragic hero must, by the play s close, lose everything he has achieved through hubris - blind pride that defies the gods. In Sophocles Oedipal cycle, Oedipus tries to discover the secrets of his birth, while Creon denies Antigone’s brother honorable burial and as a result both heroes lose their kingdoms. Shakespeare takes Greek-style hubris even further, as he has Macbeth lose his soul and Hamlet his consciousRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words   |  47 Pagesideas that have to do with physical sensations--sounds, tastes, smells and so on. Finally, he can go back and think about all the ideas these different images could imply--figure out their connotations, in other words. For example, if a poet compares something to a ship, the reader might think about what ships look like, and then think about what it feels like to be on a ship. How do ships move? Where do they go? What sights, sounds, smells and sensations can we associate with ships and being

Monday, December 16, 2019

Abraham Lincoln And The Fourteenth Amendment - 1431 Words

This political cartoon characterizes Abraham Lincoln as having a difficulty balancing the slavery issue with the other needs of his party. One person is a slave representing freedom and holding the end of one side, the slaveholder is representing slavery holding the other side, and Abraham Lincoln is in between both slavery and freedom. This political cartoon is saying that if you vote for the democrats than you are a white man. There was slavery then if you vote for the republicans than you would be compared to a negro. The 13th Amendment The 13th Amendment says that Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865. This amendment was unique and different from the other amendments which are the 14th and 15th. The 13th amendment abolished slavery, but the 14th was unique also because it overturned the Dred Scott decision, and it counted all citizens, including slaves, as citizens in the US. The 15th amendment gave African Americans the right to vote. The 14th Amendment The 14th Amendment expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment. This amendment forbids states from denying anyShow MoreRelatedReconstruction Is The Effort Made In The United States1566 Words   |  7 Pagesthat they were in control of Southerners by punishing them for wanting to preserve their southern tradition. How would the North and the South come to an agreement about the freedom of slaves? Before the Civil War and the actions of President Abraham Lincoln the states were divided amongst another. The Northern States were considered to be the Union. While, the Southern States were called the Confederacy. There were twenty states that were included within the Union. The Confederacy consisted of onlyRead MoreTaking a Look at the Reconstruction Era1313 Words   |  5 Pages1877. The period passed through out a lot of problem like violence the assassination of president Abraham Lincoln, country been divided over the issue of slavery and a lot of reconstruct had to be made after the fight of the civil war. At the time the civil war won the victory around 3 million slaves had their freedom. But their where still problem in rebuilding the nation. When president Abraham Lincoln died in April 14,1865. A new president was elected named Andrew Johnson under his supervision southRead MoreEssay on Abraham Lincoln - the Greatest President1069 Words   |  5 PagesAbraham Lincoln There have been forty four U.S. presidents over the past two hundred and twenty years. What president has served the best for our country? None other than Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln is the greatest president ever because he did great things such as ending slavery, getting the us through the Civil War, and helped our country a lot. The American Civil War was a war between the Southern states and the Confederate states. Abraham Lincoln was not very prepared for the war militarilyRead MoreLincoln, Race, And The Spirit Of The 761247 Words   |  5 PagesPresident Abraham Lincoln was put into office March 4, 1861, and this would be the start of a significant change for America. Many people see Lincoln as one of the best presidents that was in office for America, but others have opposing views on how he was not the best president in office. In Lucas E. Morel’s, â€Å"Lincoln, Race, and the Spirit of ‘76†, he expresses, â€Å"Many people who consider Abraham Lincoln the greatest American president would be surprised to discover that he endorsed black colonizationsRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1728 Words   |  7 Pagesplantations. Even though it was a struggle for the north, and the slaves, but not for the south since it was a benefit for them. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was put into the Presidential office and would have a major impact on our nation by affecting slavery forever. One of the major conflicts in America s rise as a nation was slavery. President Abraham Lincoln started to be concerned about the direction of slavery in America, and was determined to abolish it forever. Slavery was a negative and positiveRead MoreVictory of the North1306 Words   |  6 Pagesthe North There are many causes that led to the victory of the North, as well as many effects that follow their victory. Three important causes that led to the victory of the North are economic growth, secession, and the election of President Abraham Lincoln. Three important effects that followed the victory of the Northern States in the American Civil War are emancipation, a new financial system, and political freedom. The Civil War of America has been discussed as the first modern war of the newRead MoreAnalysis Of Peter Charles Hoffer s For Ourselves And Our Posterity955 Words   |  4 PagesLyndon B. Johnson. I have found that I agree with Hoffer’s opinion. President Abraham Lincoln took the phrases â€Å"to form a more perfect union† and â€Å"to promote the general welfare â€Å" from the preamble to heart. This is why when the South seceded from the union Lincoln went to war. The south seceding meant that the United State of America was becoming a weaker and a worse union and Lincoln could not allow this to happen. Lincoln also realized that the length and intensity of the war was destroying the peopleRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Reconstruction1486 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the period of reconstruction in the U.S., from 1865-1877, there were plans put in place by Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Congress in hopes of a brighter future. Reconstruction took place after the Civil War occurred in the U.S. from 1861-1865. Abraham Lincoln was the President during the Civil War, and he had plans prepared at the end of his presidency because he sensed that the nation would have to be rebuilt through a reconstructi on period. Once he was assassinated in 1865, his successorRead MoreAttempts to Mends the Nation During the Reconstruction Era815 Words   |  4 PagesPhiladelphia, 2008)? In the end, three different plans emerged to try and reconstruct the Union and Confederacy back into the United States of America. President Lincoln, President Johnson, and Congress each had their own opinions on how reconstruction should work (Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia, 2008). To begin with, Abraham Lincoln began trying to reconstruct the United States of America before the war even ended. It was his deepest desire to make the United States a whole again ratherRead MoreThe Fourteenth Amendment Of The Constitution2057 Words   |  9 PagesThe Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments are a really big part of the Constitution for slavery and about the equal rights in the United States. The government created the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment to allow racial equality in the United States by freeing all of the slaves, giving them the right to get citizenship, and the right to vote. I will be talking about each Amendment and how they were formed and also why. The Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution says

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning Famous System Management

Question: Discuss about the Report for Enterprise Resource Planning of Famous System Management. Answer: Introduction Systems of Enterprise Resource Planning are considered as one of the most famous systems of business management. It provides benefits on seamless communications and real-time capabilities for many companies. ERP is a type of business management software that is suited to many integrated applications. Different types of business activities are covered by the implementation of ERP software in companies such as marketing sales, purchased product planning, inventory management, finance, manufacturing or service delivery, and shipping payment. The software of ERP works with the integration of separate systems together into a holistic approach of resources and information. It allows executives for optimizing systems, identifying trends, and taking decisions. ERP software has many uses in many sectors of businesses such as e-commerce, business intelligence, and enterprise asset management. Apart from that, many factors affect the working procedure of the enterprise resource planning soft ware in companies. Implementation of ERP projects affects people, process, and culture in the entire organization. However, a number of challenges are faced by enterprises that can stumble on the execution of the systems in the organizational levels. Most of the organizations face the issue in selecting the proper type of software for implementation. Senior level managers must have a clear understanding of the type, scope and size of the ERP system. They do not have any clear idea about the proper method of selection of the best solution and the need of the system in a particular field of operations. the executives of the enterprises lack in decision-making procedure of selecting best ERP system for their agencies amongst the existing multitude of ERP systems available in the market. Most of the organizations faced this situation due to inappropriate strategic management. The report focuses on different people issues faced by different agencies around the world while implementation of ERP systems. Discussion Organizational Changes ERP systems implementation is responsible for organizational changes. It can produce significant changes in the field of a conventional business model of enterprises and its daily practices. Implementation of ERP software in various fields of operations requires firms in order to re-engineer various business processes in a vital way, restricting of agencies, and redefining responsibilities of the position. Companies sometimes are not ready for accepting the organizational changes (Ahmad and Cuenca 2013). Strategic management department of the company should align with the IT department in order to formulate a strategy for the new software application in a particular project. Bolt-on solutions are a form of ERP software that are considered as afterthought. This system is not much expensive that is considered as a plus point for the small medium enterprise. The system helped the functionality of the existing software. Not only big companies use ERP software, small medium enterprises al so use ERP systems in marketing and sales and other operations of businesses. There are many issues both in multinational and in local companies of different countries of the world. It is the responsibility of every company to change its goals of the projects accordingly with the passage of time (Al-Ghofaili and Al-Mashari 2014). Old methods of business operations will not result in increased and efficient result of the marketing and other required business operations. Unsuccessful implementation can result in blunder in the results of the project. A case study of a Chinese company is explained below. ANC Electronics is a China based electronics company that is an independent manufacturer, developer and seller of various equipment of the uninterruptable power supply. the company belongs to small medium enterprises. In the year of 2000, ANC Electronics has improved its information management tool in its few computers. In the operations of inventory management, the company is moving forward to use ERP systems that are developed by two IT companies of China namely Kingdee and Vanward (Amid et al. 2012). The ERP systems initially turned out to be very fruitful in the beginning. It reflects a growth of the business. However, another department of ANC Electronics like marketing and still did not have adopted the benefits of the ERP systems. The company is a leading in its field of industries. Implementation of ERP software in the inventory management leads in improved production as well as the supply of its products into distribution points. The marketing goals of the company are not up to date with the organizational goals (Aslan et al. 2015). Hence, there is a drastic fall of sale if the products of ANC Electronics in the market. The company is clueless in finding the reason of the drastic fall in sales at initial level due to lack of organizational changes. ERP Implementation goals Application of ERP system in organizations can lead to both positive impacts and negative impacts. Goals and objectives of ERP implementation can be a major hindrance in the growth of revenue and performance of the enterprise as a whole. Enterprises witness failure in application of ERP software due to lack of well-defined objectives in the projects. Project management is mainly practiced in companies of construction, software, telecommunication and much more (Bhati and Trivedi 2016). Nowadays traditional ERP solutions are getting older in the market. It is replaced by cloud ERP systems. Companies are investing in Cloud ERP solutions rather than traditional ERP. For instance, SAP Business ByDesign is a popular cloud ERP solutions used by many companies. However, cloud ERP is still limited in certain places. The changed goals of the new project must be aligned with the other related departments of the project. One project is dependent on many other operational fields. IT project can d epend on marketing department of the company. Goals of the ERP software application should be communicated in both the departments. However, application of ERP systems is not only limited to the project management sector, but also in the general work of the day-to-day operations of businesses. Improper goals in projects lead to failure of projects in a stipulated time. Extensive customization is also a cause of failure of ERP implementation. It can lead to many misinterpretations of issues. In many cases, organizations are not provided with the actually packaged solution of the ERP system (Bradford 2014). Decision makers of enterprises often fail to take the right decision in choosing companies that are associated with selling ERP software to the companies. Nestle USA initially faced few challenges in the implementation of ERP software. The company is lacked unity. It did not act as a single company. The ERP implementation goal of Nestle USA is to increase the brand awareness and transforming the separate brands into a single brand. The parent company of Nestle has a strategy of implementing ERP systems to unify the company. The ERP project is started by Nestle that is known as Business Excellence through Systems Technology (Choi et al. 2013). Unification is the main motive behind the technological application. However, the USA subsidiary of Nestle is not aware of the fact about the goals of new software implementation. Each Nestle branch in the United States used to work independently. They did not align themselves with the main strategic goals of the parent company of Nestle. In terms of the software application, all locations of USA are reluctant about it. They did not a response to the orders of the headquarters (Chou et al. 2014). It results in difficulty in ERP implementation in the respective offices of Nestle in USA locations. The results forecasted by the headquarter does not match with the actual result. Resistance to change Cultural resistance is a vital challenge in the starting of a new process, policies in a certain company. The employees of organizations are considered as assets of the firm. Firms must focus on the needs and benefits of the people associated with the company. Cultural resistance along with organizational resistance causes hindrance in the productivity of the particular project or organization as a whole. Members of a certain project or workers in a particular department of operations are accustomed to the old format of working procedures (Galliers and Leidner 2014). Few employees are comfortable in working with old ERP systems. They feel very odd in adopting new changes in the new systems of technology in the project. Some strategic business units are irresistible to adopt changes in the field of technology and other employees perspectives. Transfer of employees from one branch to another due to new technological implementation sometimes not acceptable by them. It can lead to the lo wer performance of the individual and enterprise as a whole. Some SBUs faced difficulties in switching new ERP systems in a particular project (Galy and Sauceda 2014). They may feel comfortable in using old ERP systems. In this scenario, two types of threats are included such as replacement of known process with an unknown technological process, taken away authority from decision-making activities regarding the project. However, there are cultural aspects that hinder people in the adaptation of new system in the organization. The mindsets of some employees in many countries are not so much open to accept new things. Many societies are indulgent and restrained in nature. Restrained societies are characterized by more reluctant in adopting new technologies and policies in their life. However, countries that have weak uncertainty avoidance are more comfortable with new ideas and ambiguity (Helo et al. 2014). On the other hand, strong uncertainty avoidance societies are not ready for new challenges in the operations. Manufacturers of different parts of the world, especially in China face resistance to change in ERP implementation. For instance, Dongfeng Motor Corporation is an automobile parts and automobile manufacturing company that faces cultural resistances in the manufacturing sites of the company. The workers in the manufacturing facilities are comfortable in the old ERP systems. Hence, they are unwilling to accept any type of new systems in the technological aspects. The new system is focused on the fast production level on the automobile parts in the factory sites (Kanellou and Spathis 2013). On the contrary, the old systems are characterized by a low rate of production when compared to the new ERP systems. In this situation, Hosted ERP solutions can be used. It is an outsource model where companies can outsource their cloud computing to others but they can manage their systems from their own offices. for instance, SAP Hana is an Adobe Systems that belong to the category of Hosted ERP. Improper communication Due to the presence of different stakeholders, organizations cannot follow a single most effective mechanism in order to communicate with the employees and suppliers. For instance, email is a great mode of communication of passing messages and information to every worker of the company. Nevertheless, when it comes to pass the information to a certain group in a detailed manner then email is not a good option (Sun et al. 2015). It is the responsibility of the supervisor to maintain the effective mode of communication to its team or subordinates. Apart from email, there are a number of modes such as face-to-face meeting, conference calls, intranet portals, standard training, and country-specific portals (Katerattanakul et al. 2014). Stakeholders are responsible for the selection of different measures of ERP implementation that sometimes create a confusion among the IT department and the other departments. It occurs due to lack of communication. Apart from the communication process, sometimes organizations do not recruit right candidates for a particular project in the starting phase. ERP implementation in a project can bring immense benefits to the results of it. Nevertheless, if they are not properly handled then they can bring negative results too. For instance, in many organizations, executives are focused on getting approval from the senior for a change in the technological aspects of a project. They are not focused on gathering feedbacks from the other team members of the project (Kilic et al. 2014). It results in a delay of the delivery of the project within the predefined deadline. NetApp Australia, an Australian IT company faced some issues in the communication of its ERP implementation in a project. Initiatives of ERP systems require developed tailored communications for some people involved in it. These persons usually are not aware of the culture of the organization as well as the goals of the new systems of ERP in the running project. There is a necessity of gaining an understanding of the culture and clients requirement related to the project. As the company deals with companies in different countries, hence the lack of research in ERP systems and its implementation will lead to less productivity (Kilic et al. 2015). The supervisor or the project manager must communicate with the team workers. Any slip of technical jargon will deviate the team from the actual motives of the project. Lack of communication in the group will not only lead to lower productivity but also it is responsible for the bad relationship with the clients of NetApp. In future, it will result in loss of business. Lack of proper training approach Flexibility is an issue that is considered as a most vital people issue in the application of various systems of ERP in the company. If the ERP system is not flexible in nature, then it will be more difficult for the members of the project to adapt to the new changes in the project. Flexibility will help in formulating proper training module to the employees associated with the project. It is required to re-engineer steps that are required to perform several business tasks and providing retraining to the business partners and employees (Mamoghli et al. 2015). Reluctant people will face the severe issue in adapting change with the new processes of ERP systems. Resistance is the cause of delay in the project and lower productivity of the organization as a whole. The Proper training approach is considered as the most vital strategic tool for engaging the workers into the new systems of technology. To implement a new system of ERP in the organization, initially, a lot of time is required for mapping up the current situation with the future changes of the work. It helps in understanding the technical goals along with the organizational goals. It can be frustrating to an end user at the beginning. However, it is required to provide an updated training to the project members and different people associated with it. Training indeed provided an opportunity to enhance the skills of the team members while performing the dearth of training will lead to mistakes of people of the company (Marsh et al. 2014). Resistant employees are prone to occur more mistakes in their work as they are more comfortable to work in the old patterns of ERP software. Infotech Private Limited is a small medium enterprise that uses various ERP in the customer relation managem ent of the company. Apart from these departments, the company has previously used many ERP systems in the different operational department of the company (McKinney and Kroenke 2015). It is noticed that the company has faced many issues in terms of training and development. Due to lack of communication, the training module of the new system of ERP is formulated in a different way that does not match the exact requirements of the technology. In the initial phase, the company has not recognized the wrong training method. However, when the project member participated in the new form of ERP systems then they face severe issues in handling machinery and technologies of the project (Monk and Wagner 2012). Technical issues and custom development There is wide range of technical problems that are anticipated by many researchers while implementation of ERP systems in different areas of business operations and in projects. The risks related to the technology can cause a delay in the progress of work. It undermines the success of a project in the field of ERP implementation. Issues of technological infrastructures in the field of ERP system are: Insufficient and inappropriate transfer of knowledge from the integrator of the system to the long-term group. Service related and network related issues that are related to outsourcing and upgrading data centers (Parr et al. 2013). Resources allocated for the wrong technologies in ERP may lead to blunder in the productivity of the project. Wrong technology is the result of lack of extensive market research and lack of decision-making of the senior executives of the company. Insufficient bandwidth or stressed network in the remote areas is the result of inadequate stress and volume of the infrastructure. Remote areas sometimes do not have access to technological developments. But companies do have to run some of their projects in the rural area to accomplish their work (Powell et al. 2013). Change management problems can occur due to technical reasons also. Ineffective technical implementation rises to miscommunication between the employees as well as the project managers. Unproven or inadequate business continuity and lack of recovery plan can cause failure in application of the software in the ERP systems of a company. Project managers and IT managers must formulate a strong backup plan for the risks associated with the technologies of ERP systems. Inefficient risk mitigation plan hinders the effectiveness of performance of the systems of ERP in the different operations department (Saleh Shatat. and Mohamed Udin 2012). Regardless of best efforts of various companies while implementing ERP manually with negligible customization. Business always requires customized version of various software including ERP systems. There are many instances of customization of business operations such as conversion programs, interface, forms, code extension, etc. Usually, delays in the project are the result of the delay in completion of custom development. For instance, mostly construction companies and software companies face these issues. This leads to the bad relation with the clients. People associated with the companies also suffer bad impression from foreign clients. Delay in documentation requirements is the cause failure of technical aspects. However, consultants sometimes may not understand the problems of these outsourcing companies as they are focused only on the work or the result (Stair and Reynolds 2013). Conclusion The report describes various problems and issues that are faced by companies regardless of the sector. Apart from that, there are issues that are related to people in the implementation of ERP systems in the companies. Issues related to change management and organizational changes; technological dearth, improper training, improper communication, etc. are explained in a detailed manner. There are many instances of companies that are explained in the report describing their issues of people in the implementation of ERP software in their companies. Implementation of ERP in firms must be treated as business driven initiatives. It will have a long-lasting impact on the working procedure of agencies. The proper decision-making of executives associated with IT and software application is considered as the integral of the success of companies. Cloud computing along with other technologies that increase production efficiency is in demand in the market. ERP systems come under this category. Ho wever, there is much mitigation of the problems of the ERP system implementation in agencies. The statement present in the case study is focused on people issues of ERP systems in information and technology. Projects of Enterprise Resource Planning are time-consuming, difficult and potentially perilous to organizations. Failure of ERP implementation incurs a huge loss to companies. In many cases, these situation leads to huge losses for firms. There are many entrepreneurs that support ERP in their business firms despite having chances of failure in different phases. References Ahmad, M.M. and Cuenca, R.P., 2013. Critical success factors for ERP implementation in SMEs.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,29(3), pp.104-111. Al-Ghofaili, A.A. and Al-Mashari, M.A., 2014, August. ERP system adoption traditional ERP systems vs. cloud-based ERP systems. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Enlightenment And Era Of Revolutions Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper The Enlightenment and Era of Revolutions The Enlightenment Era marked the beginning of important scientific advance- ments and of philosophers # 8217 ; parts whose finds and radical theories changed the traditional positions of the universe. It brought upon many alterations to the societal and political order which predominated its society at the clip. Strongly influenced by the rise of modern scientific discipline, and by the wake of the long spiritual struggles that followed the reformation, the minds of the Enlightenment were committed to secular positions based on ground and human apprehension. They had hoped that it would supply a footing for a positive reform which would impact every country of life and idea. Due to these alterations, people were looking at different facets of their universe and lives under a new visible radiation. The enigma behind things was blossoming, going progressively demandant of scientific account instead so by church functionaries # 8217 ; ill-defined logical thinking. We will write a custom essay sample on The Enlightenment And Era Of Revolutions Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The thoughts of the great intellectuals of the Enlightenment epoch made people think about their freedom and equality, which gave them a ground to revolt and contend for the better life. One of the celebrated philosophers during the Enlightenment epoch was John Locke. He wrote # 8220 ; The Second Treatise of Government # 8221 ; and in this papers, Locke wrote about the natural rights of adult male: the right to life, to liberty and to belongings. Everyone is born free and is by nature free ; equal and independent. Harmonizing to Locke, people joined the community to continue their belongingss, lives, autonomy and their estates, and no one should hold the authorization to take away from them these rudimentss rights. However, should the governor utilize his office power toward personal addition, he could be deprived of his governmental authorization. The people had the right to revolt against him. Locke provinces, # 8220 ; And whosever in authorization exceeds the power given him by the jurisprudence ( # 8230 ; ) , may be opposed. # 8221 ; Basically, the sovereignty did non shack in the province but alternatively with the people ; the province is so supreme, but merely if it is bounded within the bounds of its power and within the civil and the natural jurisprudence. The thought of autonomy and equality can besides be found in the # 8220 ; Discourse on the Beginning and Foundation of Inequality Among Man. # 8221 ; In this papers, Rousseau addresses the inequality found among rich and hapless people. The declaration to this job harmonizing to Rousseau, is in the undermentioned transition: # 8220 ; # 8230 ; alternatively of turning our forces against ourselves, allow us garner them into one supreme power which governs us harmonizing to wise Torahs, protects and defends all the members of the association, rebuffs common enemies, and maintains us in an ageless concord. # 8221 ; Rousseau is trying to indicate out that they should non contend but alternatively organize a on the job authorities, put its common Torahs and ordinances that would assist to alter the life of the state. Obviously, it goes to turn out that the Enlightenment # 8217 ; s effects spread throughout. Its thoughts, rule s and the overall accent it has placed on humanity had been accepted by many people. Our ain # 8220 ; Declaration of Independence # 8221 ; of July 4th, 1776 is a contemplation of that. # 8220 ; Man received certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, autonomy, and the chase of happiness. # 8221 ; When The Declaration of Independence was put to Congress, it restated what Locke had antecedently wrote over eight decennaries before, # 8220 ; all adult male are created equal. # 8221 ; Should the authorities become destructive, the Declaration says that it is the right of the people to change or to get rid of it and may hold the power to establish a new authorities. It besides showed that the King of Britain had committed many trespasss on the Thirteen States of America. A declaration itself was an illustration of Rebel against dictatorship. Another papers, written in the clip of American Revolution, and back uping the thoughts of the Enlightenment, was Thomas Paine # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; Common Sense. # 8221 ; Paine, as other minds of the Enlightenment epoch wrote that people are # 8220 ; originally equal in order of creation. # 8221 ; He criticized one of the most powerful establishments of Early Modern Europe # 8211 ; monarchy. Paine stated that in a existent democracy there is no topographic point for the male monarch: # 8220 ; The nearer any authorities attacks to a democracy the last concern there is for the king. # 8221 ; He writes about the New World as an refuge for all free people. The Hagiographas of the philosophers, such as Locke or Rousseau, were critical to authorities. This sparked the provincials # 8217 ; impression of desiring alteration. Under the Old Regime in France the King was the absolute monarchy, and was believed to derive his power from the God. Society was divided into three categories, whereas the first two estates enjoyed extended rights and privileges. The members of the 3rd estate, dwelling of common mans, were to a great extent taxed and didn # 8217 ; t have the rights of the first two estates. These societal divisions caused a batch of struggles. In the epoch of Enlightenment, where Ancient Regime and the old societal order was being questioned, people started believing about deriving their rights and rebellion against despoty. An consequence of such a procedure was the Gallic Revolution of 1789 and of # 8220 ; The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. # 8221 ; This Gallic papers, followed the enlightenment thoughts of # 8220 ; Liberty, Equality and Fraternity # 8221 ; # 8211 ; which become the motto of the Gallic Revolution. It states that # 8220 ; Liberty consists in being able to make everything which does non harm another # 8221 ; and that democratic rules, would be the footing for Gallic authorities. This period of ground, thanks to its rational and scientific attack, enabled the society to free themselves of superstitious notions and old wonts. These new thoughts allowed people to research the significances behind the things that merely supernatural accounts would explicate. The popular thoughts of Enlightenment, # 8220 ; autonomy, equality and fraternity, # 8221 ; divine people from different states to do an attempt towards bettering their state of affairss and to contend for their freedom and their rights. 357