Thursday, October 31, 2019

Maybe, Maybe not Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Maybe, Maybe not - Essay Example INT. JOSEPH’S LIVING ROOM-NEXT DAY Joseph lays on his couch in his living room and tries to sleep. Xavier is on his cell talking to someone and telling about their lost stallion. He looks stressful. He’s constantly passing his hands through his air. Again there’s a noise outside the door and both men make their way towards the door. Xavier opens the door and sees the same group of neighbors. Behind them, he sees Rou together with wild mares. XAVIER Oh! Look, Dad, look. Rou is back. It’s with other horses too. He then runs towards the Rou, leaving all men behind him. ONE OF A NEIGHBOR Rou has returned and it has brought several horses with it. You’re blessed. What a lucky man you are. What a great luck. Wow! There’s no sign of amusement or happiness. He still looks so calm. He looks at his son, then Rou and then finally his gaze meets his neighbor. JOSEPH Maybe or maybe not. All the neighbors see him with surprise looks on their faces but nobody says a word. He shakes hand with all of them, closes the door and lies down on his couch again, trying to sleep. EXT. JOSEPH’S STABLE-TWO DAYS LATER The day is sunny with a bit of clouds making it pleasant. Xavier is in the stable. He’s surrounded by Rou and other four mares brought by Rou two days ago. The other four mares are wild and their height is greater than Rou but they are not trained. Xavier is training them. He’s trying to break one of the mares and suddenly she gets crazy and throws him on the ground. Xavier shouts in agony. His neighbors suddenly come and take him towards his house.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The role of consideration in contract Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The role of consideration in contract - Outline Example Many European countries have adopted the position that any agreement that is both serious and lawful is a contract, but under English law, an agreement, even if serious and lawful, can only be enforced if consideration is present (Mothersole & Ridley 1999:360). Consideration thus, separates enforceable contracts from unenforceable ones, constituting the first of the three-pronged tests in contract enforceability (Stone 2011:87). The difference between these systems is thought to be historical-based, with the English assumpsit, or legal action for breach of promise or contract, traced back to commercial needs whilst continental law originated from the canon law and the principle of good faith (Chandler & Brown 2007:46). Another significance of consideration is that it provides intent of the parties to be legally bound by their agreement. Thus, even a token amount can be deemed consideration although it may be inadequate or insufficient. The Court has held, for example, that  £1 per annum was consideration in Thomas v Thomas [1842] 2 QB 851 and generally declared that parties may enter a contract for any amount of consideration, even valueless ones, in Chapell & Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1960] AC 87 (Chandler & Brown

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Does spirited away’ reflect traditional japan?

Does spirited away’ reflect traditional japan? To what extent does the world of hayao miyazakis spirited away reflect traditional japan? Anime has been described by Napier (2001, p.8) as â€Å"a richly fascinating contemporary Japanese art form that both harks back to traditional Japanese culture and moves forward to the cutting edge of art and media†. Hayao Miyazakis films are no stranger to featuring portrayals and representations of traditional Japan within the mythical worlds he creates in his films as well as those set in Japan. His imagery is vastly different to the ultra futuristic portrayals featured in the equally popular cyberpunk anime of Mamoru Oshiis Ghost in the Shell(1995), Katsuhiro Otomos Akira (1988) and all of their contemporaries. Spirited Away (2001) is arguably Miyazakis most widely known and regarded film both domestically and abroad, having become the most financially successful film of all time in Japan while also receiving the Academy Award for best animation. While being set in a modern Japan where technology has become more important than history and tradition, in Spirited Away Miyaz aki concentrates on several aspects of Japans cultural history. The protagonist of the film, Chihiro, has lived a pampered life in the city and is naÃÆ' ¯ve and unprepared for adulthood. Her parents are portrayed as greedy and irresponsible in the symbol of the â€Å"credit card wielding father turning into an overindulgent hog.† (Broderick, 2003) The ‘spirit world that she unknowingly enters represents the Taisho period of Japanese history (around 1912 to 1926), a popular setting in Anime, but of particular personal significance to Miyazaki. (Yoshioka, 2008) Childhood memories have influenced his use of this time which does not simply create a feeling of nostalgia, but, as Yoshioka says, â€Å"merges personal experience into a larger sense of past.† (Yoshioka, 2008: p.257) The aspects of traditional Japan displayed in the film vary from the extravagant grandeur of the bathhouse to the simple, yet quaint wooden houses and shops in the spirit town. The bathhouse even includes sliding paper doors and massive ornate ‘Satsuma-ware vases all representative of a prosperous location in Japan during the 1920s. It serves to act as an opposition to the modern character of Chihiro upon who the traditional aspects of Japanese society are lost. (Denison, 2007) Denison writes that the bathhouse â€Å"holds valuable lessons for modern (Japanese) society,† including, not allowing such a healthy eclectic heritage disappear in a culture obsessed with the furthering of technology as well as keeping the Japanese youth educated about their roots and heritage. Some of the major characters in the film also incorporate aspects of traditional Japanese folklore. Spirits have been featured as characters in many ancient Japanese folk tales, generally influenced by the two major religions Shinto and Buddhism. The ancient ‘River Spirit which Chihiro helps to clean appears to have a face which resembles a Japanese ‘Noh theatre mask. Another theatrical mask is also featured on the character of No-Face. The film also alludes to the practicing of religion in Japan and the ignorance of the youth towards it. In a scene at the beginning of the film Chihiro does not recognise some Shinto shrines and her mother explains their role yet it is evident that she does not consider them important saying â€Å"some people think little spirits live there.† (Spirited Away, 2001) It is evident from Miyazakis films as a whole that the ‘spirituality is a common and often prominent theme, particularly, but not exclusively, among his films aimed at children. Certain themes recur in Miyazakis films. In Spirited Away many of these appear such as childhood, materialism and most notably environmentalism. The story of the spirit Haku links to the arguments mentioned so far about the portrayal of tradition. The disappearance of Hakus home the ‘Kohaku River due to materialism has led to his forgetting of the past and even his name alluding to the real possibility of people in Japan being so focused on the future they forget elements of their past, in this case an ancient river paved over to build apartments. (Osmond, 2008) Other Miyazaki films have also included the relationship between the ‘spirits or ‘gods and humans, mainly about the difficulty of the two living in harmony. Princess Mononoke(1997), Ponyo(2008) and My Neighbour Totoro(1988) are examples of this with each also carrying the theme of environmentalism. All of the points mentioned so far have reinforced that the world featured within Spirited Away shows a traditional, typically Japanese culture which aims to critique modern Japanese society as well as educate the films young target audience about the importance of tradition. Thanks to Disneys worldwide distribution deal with Miyazakis production company Studio Ghibli, the market for anime has been expanded so hugely that theres a now global awareness of not only modern and pseudo-futuristic Japan but also heightened understanding of Japanese tradition; â€Å"fans (are) engaged with the cultural origins of anime texts†. (Cubbison, 2005: p.45) This market has been so developed that anime now seems to cater specifically for the international market within its films. The complex identities of Miyazakis characters, such as Haku or Yubaba in Spirited Away are, according to Denison, created to appeal to a Hollywood-saturated world market. These characters employ a number of traits n ot inherently Japanese. Also, some aspects of the architecture and artwork featured in the film are not typically Japanese but contain elements of Western styles. An example of this can be found in the small thatched cottage owned by Zeniba, the kind twin sister of the unpleasant witch Yubaba, the owner of the aforementioned bathhouse. The Anime film industry has varying takes on the issue of tradition, but Miyazaki has taken on the issue whole heartedly in his films. Miyazakis idea of the identity of the Japanese person, along with his concept of the loss of traditional culture in the technological Mecca of contemporary Japanese society, has proved significant in the visual appeal of his films as well as their artistic value. Not only does he reference parts of culture such as art, architecture and religion, but also references traditional theatre and behaviour (such as the removal of shoes before entering a house). Despite the fact that Miyazakis uses some hybridity with other cultures in his portrayal of tradition, the fundamental â€Å"Japaneseness† of Spirited Away is clear and irrefutable.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dr Faustus :: Essays Papers

Dr Faustus In Dr. Faustus, Christopher Marlowe uses the resolution of the conflict between Dr. Faustus and the beliefs of his time to explore the idea of man’s place in the universe. In Faustus’ time, it was believed that man had a place in the universe, and man must stay within his boundaries. It can be shown that Dr. Faustus stepped out of his place, failed in his attempt repent his actions, and ultimately caused his own end. The conflict between Dr. Faustus and the belief system of the age of discovery is established when Faustus makes a pact with the devil to sell his soul. Faustus, a top scholar and doctor in many fields, feels as though he has reached the pinnacle of human achievement. Yet, he desires further knowledge and power, knowledge and power that are not humanly attainable. However, through his pact with the devil, Faustus gains the power necessary to perform black magic, cast spells, and perform other godly deeds. Although Faustus is repeatedly warned by Mephostophelis, he continues greedily and foolishly in his actions. Despite his high aspirations, Faustus still has desires of the flesh, as he requests a wife from Mephostophelis: â€Å"†¦I am wanton and lascivious and cannot live without a wife.† (p. 43) Here Faustus is shown to have internal conflict between godly aspirations and human aspirations. Nevertheless, it is shown that Dr. Faustus is intent on becoming more po werful than any human, and he has gone to great lengths to do so. After selling his soul for twenty-four years of power and knowledge, Dr. Faustus soon realizes what he has done. He tries to repent his bond with the devil, yet the devil will not have it and binds him to his contract. Following this, Faustus continues to have doubts about his actions. At the same time, Faustus wins fame and fortune for his magic skills, yet his doubts remain as strong as ever. Although Faustus bargained away his soul for super-human power, it is apparent that he uses it to play tricks and silly pranks on people, the opposite of his initial intent. Dr. Faustus continues to use his power meaninglessly for tricks and the like. He is later approached by the old man, who begs Faustus to consider the mercy of God, for Faustus has retained his human soul and can be forgiven by God.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research on Tobacco Smoking Essay

Abstract The aim of this research project is to test the hypothesis that â€Å"Tobacco smoking is adversely affecting the health of unborn babies among pregnant women in Barking and Dagenham† Smoking pregnant women appear to be more vulnerable than non smoking pregnant women to many adverse consequences of tobacco smoking. Smoking during pregnancy is associated with many fatal and neo-natal problems such as low birth weight, pre-term delivery, placenta damage, miscarriage, and sudden-infant-death syndrome. It can also be the cause of respiratory problems such as chest infections and can aggravate asthma in young babies. Smoking pregnant women achieve higher concentrations of nicotine and carbon monoxide in their blood and become more impaired than non smoking pregnant women after smoking equivalent amounts of tobacco. The study has used primary and secondary research to obtain its findings. The questionnaire albeit a very small cross section of the population, established that tobacco use is more prevalent among smoking pregnant women than non smoking pregnant women in Barking and Dagenham. In my survey, 60 percent of tobacco smoking pregnant women reported consume cigarette, 200 percent smoke cigars, 10 percent pipe tobacco, and 10 percent of other types of tobacco per day on average. The secondary research was based on studies and surveys that the the number of pregnant women who smoke has been falling steadily in recent years. No one can deny that quitting smoking it is a difficult process. Even so, many pregnant women give up smoking for good during pregnancy. Moreover, pregnant women who give up smoking early in pregnancy and who receive encouragement from their partners and from midwives are most likely to be successful in becoming permanent non-smokers. Introduction This research project will be discussing the hypothesis that â€Å"Tobacco smoking is adversely affecting the health of unborn babies among pregnant women†. The expression adversely is defined within the literature review, using evidence from secondary source material. It will debate the reasons, affects, consequences, disadvantages of tobacco smoking among pregnant women and Government advice and consequence of tobacco and how harmful it is to babies and their health. In addition to this material, a small scale research component has been included which leads to an evaluation of both the primary and secondary sources. LITERATURE REVIEW In December 1998, the Department of Health published Smoking Kills – a White Paper on tobacco, which set out practical measures to reduce smoking among men, women, children and most particular women with pregnancy. – Office for national statistics 2008 – 2009, smoking related behaviour and attitude. Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. Many health experts now regard habitual smoking as a psychological addiction, too, and one with serious health consequences. – McCoy. K, Tobacco smoking – page 226. For some people it’s because they believe that they can’t live without the effects of smoking, such as relieving stress and giving pleasure. For others it’s because smoking is associated with fun and social activities, such as a break from work or meeting with friends in the pub. – McConoile. B, Women and pregnancy – part 3- page 196. Everyone has different reasons for smoking and tobacco is used to fill many needs. Some of the key reasons are the physical, emotional and psychological effects that cigarettes have; they can also be used as a tool when socialising. – Fintan O’ Toole, – Health correspondent Article- Life & Style, The Guardian –19/12/2008. Smoking is used as a way to suppress uncomfortable feelings, and smoking is used to alleviate stress, calm nerves, and relax. No wonder that when you are deprived of smoking, your mind and body are unsettled for a little while. – (Kirkup, J, Daily Telegraph – 22 February 2008, smoking and hazards. The habit of cigarette smoking is often used to tranquilize emotional issues like anxiety, stress, or low self-esteem. In addition, smoking provides comfort to people with conditions of chronic pain and depression. Smokers with emotional stress or chronic pain often turn to smoking as an attempt to treat their pain. – Dr. Annette, October 15, 2009, why people smoke cigarettes. Smokers often say that lighting up a cigarette can calm their nerves, satisfy their cravings, and help them feel energized. Indeed, nicotine in tobacco joins on to receptors in your brain that release â€Å"feel good† chemicals that can make you feel calm and energized all at once. Smoking acts as a drug, inducing a feeling of well-being with each puff. – Chorlton. P, Life Quality Management – page 89. Smoking is a way to avoid feeling unpleasant emotions such as sadness, grief, and anxiety. It can hide apprehensions, fears, and pain. This is accomplished partly through the chemical effects of nicotine on the brain. – Moor. S, The Journal – 23 March 2006. According to a study carried at the University of Nottingham by the Genetics of Pre-Eclampsia Consortium, pregnant women who smoke put the lives of their unborn babies at risk. This study was funded by the British Heart Foundation and strongly supports the opinion of many leading experts who advise that expectant mothers should quit smoking whilst pregnant.- NHS, Information Centre, September 28, 2006, Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services. Out of the total 1001 women, 38.8 percent smokers delivered premature babies as compared to 21.3 percent of non-smokers. 46.1 percent of smokers delivered low birth weight babies when compared to 27.9 percent non-smokers. 65.6 percent of smokers delivered babies with adverse conditions when compared to 60 percent of former smokers and 50.4 percent of non-smokers – Heath Express, December 5 2008, smoking and pre-eclampsia The most recent CDC survey (from 2008) showed that more than 1 in 6 American women aged 18 years or older (18.3%) smoked cigarettes. The highest rates were seen among American-Indian and Alaska-Native women (22.4%), followed by white (20.6%), African-American (17.8%), Hispanic (10.7%), and Asian women (4.7%). CDC – women’s health – publications and material (1999), smoking among pregnant women. Smoking during pregnancy is associated with many fatal and neo-natal problems such as low birth weight, pre-term delivery, placenta damage, miscarriage, and sudden-infant-death syndrome. It can also be the cause of respiratory problems such as chest infections and can aggravate asthma in young children. CDC – women’s health – publications and material (1999), smoking among pregnant women. Tobacco use accounts for nearly 1 in 3 cancer deaths. Tens of thousands of women will die this year from lung cancer, which has shot past breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer death among women. Almost 90% of these lung cancer deaths will be due to smoking. ACS, March 2001, Women and Smoking When the mother smokes, so does the baby. Smokers take in poisons such as nicotine and carbon monoxide (the same gas that comes out of a car’s exhaust pipe). These poisons get into the placenta, which is the tissue that connects the mother and the baby before it is born. These poisons keep the unborn baby from getting the food and oxygen needed to grow. Partnerships for a Tobacco- free Maine, 2010, Parent – smoking among pregnant women. New studies show that if a woman’s partner smokes near her during her pregnancy, there are added risks. It is best for the mother, baby, and entire family to quit tobacco. If family and friends continue to smoke the pregnant mother should ask them not to smoke near her. Lungs UK, 2010; Mothers – smoking among pregnant women. Due to smoking habits among pregnant women, about 4000 fatal deaths occur every year. It also includes miscarriages. Smoking among pregnant women also leads to premature births, low birth weight, cot death and asthma. In addition smoking is also associated with learning difficulties among children whose mothers smoke during pregnancy, which is yet another good reason why women who are pregnant should consider giving up. Heath Express, December 5 2008, smoking and pre-eclampsia. Women who smoke greatly increase their risk of heart disease (the leading killer among women) and stroke. Risk goes up with the number of cigarettes smoked and the length of time a woman has been smoking. Even though most of the women who die of heart disease are past menopause, smoking increases the risk more in younger women than in older women. ACS, March 2001, Women and Smoking. Heart disease and diseases of the blood vessels (cardiovascular disease) are more common in women who smoke than in those who don’t. Research indicates that women who smoke and also use hormonal contraceptives have a particularly high risk of developing heart disease or blood clots that can lead to stroke. eHealth MD, 2000, smoking, alcohol, and pregnancy. Cigarette smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in UK. One out of five smokers, following a gruelling history of lung diseases including: pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis and COPD with eventually die from cancer associated with smoking. – Champix – 2008, stop smoking and champix. Smoking also increases the risk of many other types of cancer other than lung cancer, including cancers of the throat, mouth, pancreas, kidney, bladder, breast, and cervix. Heart Attacks, individuals that smoke are six times more likely to experience a heart attack when compared to individuals that choose not to smoke. – Powell. J, drug Abuse (Emotional Health Issues 2007) page 27. Smoking also promotes the development free radicals which are highly unstable molecules that cause disease and damage to cell DNA. The cells of your body start behaving erratically producing a range of responses that make your skin age faster. – BBC News,Thursday, 28 December, 2006, Cigarettes Smoking effects. If you smoke more than a 1/2 pack of cigarette per day for over six months you have a one in three chance that you will not perform to previous levels in the bedroom, inability to perform, inability to a achieve, inability to maintain an erection. – Lamb. K, Health Issue 2001, Cigarettes smoking. Research carried out by Oxford University estimated that smoking cost the NHS in the UK  £5.2 billion in 2005/06, approximately 5.5% of total healthcare costs4. This updates the estimated cost of between  £1.4 and  £1.5 billion a year, estimated by research carried out by the Oxford University. – Statistics, Health, 2001, Smoking Related Behaviour & Attitudes. In 2008, it is estimated that almost one in five deaths in England of people over 35 years of age were due to smoking. Over a third of all deaths from respiratory diseases and almost three in ten of all deaths from cancers in this population are estimated to be caused by smoking. A higher proportion of smoking attributed deaths were seen for men compared to women.– Oxford Journal, 2008, Volume 105, Number 41, Cancer Risk for Smoker. Dr Miriam Stoppard said â€Å"Pregnancy can be a particularly difficult time to stop smoking – and rather than stigmatising these women, we should be guiding them to their local NHS Stop Smoking Service for expert advice and support†. BBC News, Wednesday, 4 February 2009, Health, pregnant smokers ‘fear criticism’. The total number of successful quitters delivered by NHS Stop Smoking Services between 2003/04 and 2005/06 was 832,700. The Department of Health Priorities and Planning Framework (PPF) target of 800,000 successful quitters over this period was achieved.- NHS, Information Centre, September 28, 2006, Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services. The number of women who smoke has been falling steadily in recent years. No one can deny that quitting smoking it is a difficult process. Even so, many women give up smoking for good during pregnancy. eHealth MD, 2000, smoking, alcohol, and pregnancy. Women who give up smoking early in pregnancy and who receive encouragement from their partners and from midwives are most likely to be successful in becoming permanent non-smokers. BBC News, 2007, Health issue, smoking, and pregnancy. The Smoking and Health (ASH) and the British Medical Association (BMA) estimate that up to 120,000 men over 30 years old suffer from impotence as a negative effect of smoking. This figure is likely to be very conservative, because it does not include impotence due to previous smoking in men who no longer smoke. Office of the national statistics – 25 April 2010, cigarettes smoking. The proportion of adults who smoked cigarettes fell substantially in the 1970s and the early 1980s – from 45 per cent in 1974 to 35 per cent in 1982. After 1982 it declined gradually until the early 1990s, levelling out during the 1990s. It then fell smoothly from 28 per cent in 1998/99 to 24 per cent in 2005. – Office of the national statistics – 25 April 2010, cigarettes smoking. Objective The objective of this research project is to test the hypothesis that, â€Å"Tobacco smoking is adversely affecting the health of unborn babies among pregnant women†. With the use of primary and secondary research to test the above mentioned hypothesis, there will be an emphasis on relevant literature such as journals, studies, surveys and statistics, both independent and governmental. In addition to this literature, the project’s questionnaire will add another dimension to the research giving it more essence and making it more satisfactory. The outcome of the project is to have basic knowledge and awareness of the danger of tobacco smoking to pregnant women who smokes and also the dangerous effect to the unborn babies. Method The research project shall engross both primary and secondary research and then evaluate both sources and produce a conclusion of results. The primary research will consist of a questionnaire, the unexpended anonymous is to protect the identity of the participants. Consequently, making them feel comfortable so that their answers will be as frank as possible. When all the gathered information is collected, comparisons can be made to determine my hypothesis. â€Å"Tobacco smoking is adversely affecting the health of unborn babies among pregnant women on†. There will only be a small sample of questionnaires to process the results. Therefore, it will not be a true reflection of society and its trends. The results from the survey will not have any significance on a national level, although, the participants do come from verity backgrounds and a range of nationalities. The study for secondary research will be produced from pertinent literature that will be reviewed and documented, the use of applicable radio and television programs and appropriate web sites. By using these informative mediums a deeper understanding and better insight into this much argued topic will be gained. In the process of carrying out this research, a lot of issues were put into consideration especially the ethnicity and nationality of respondents. Results The primary research consisted of the 15 questionnaires being distributed, 12 smoking pregnant women responded showing their ages to range from 18 to 40 years and 8 another non smoking pregnant women responded also showing their ages to range form 18 – 40 years. The survey report presents the finding of research into young women excessive drinking in Barking and Dagenham. In recent years there has been rising concern about the prevalence of smokers’ behaviour, especially among pregnant women. Smoking among pregnant women has also increases the risk of many other types of diseases that have led to the death of their babies. Smoking habits among pregnant women is intolerable, about 4000 fatal deaths occur every year. It also includes miscarriages. Smoking among pregnant women also leads to premature births, low birth weight, cot death and asthma. In addition smoking is also associated with learning difficulties among children whose mothers smoke during pregnancy, which is yet another good reason why women who are pregnant should consider giving up. [pic] Evaluation The structure of the questionnaire was to establish where and how pregnant women indulge in tobacco smoking, daily intake of tobacco, consequences of tobacco and the awareness of the affect of tobacco to their unborn babies, and the medical efforts and advice to reduce frequent intake of tobacco among pregnant women. The research shows that majority of pregnant women goes into smoking because of various reasons. My research shows that pregnant women smoke to be sociable with their friends, boredom, stress, relaxation, parent influence and also family influence. According to the result of my research, sixty percent agreed that they were suffering from the side effect of smoking tobacco. Majority of them complained of various illness and side effect of tobacco such as: constant headache, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing mucus or blood, dry and wet cough, fever, chest discomfort, foetal development problems, and brain damage and other severe complication to unborn child, according to pregnant women. The research also shows that the respondents who filled out my questionnaire agreed that they have loss their dear ones through tobacco smoking either by asthma, cancer, coronary artery disease, heart disease, stroke, lungs disease, complication during pregnancy and many other diseases resulting from tobacco smoking. The hypothesis has been proven through this evidence produced in the primary and secondary research that tobacco smoking is unavoidable, and it will be extremely difficult to outlaw it in the society. The only possible solution to this problem is to continue to make general publication about the severe influence and the harms it can cause to their foetus and the unborn babies. Figure1: Age Range that Smoke during pregnancy Figure 2: Tobacco Consumption during Pregnancy Figure 3: Ranges of Smoking and Non Smoking during Pregnancy Figure 4: Reasons for Smoking Figure 5: Frequency of Smoking during Pregnancy Figure 6: Types of Tobacco Smoking by Pregnant Women Bibliography Literature Firth. L, 2001, Smoking Problem, Volume 43, Smith University, Published The Independence Royston. A, Tobacco – Learn to Say No! Oxford, Publisher Heinemann Library Lamb. K, Tobacco Smoking – Health Issue 2001, London, Publisher White Thomson Wechsler. H, PhD and Wuethrich. B, 2002, Addicted to Smoking: Tackling the Diseases’ Published by World Book USA. Plant. M, and Plant. M, 2006, Smoking in Britain: Drugs and the National Response, Publisher Oxford University Press. Dr, Mapstone. J, Acting Director of Public Health, November 2007, Smoking and Pregnancy, Glasgow, Publisher The independence Ward. M, 1998, caring for someone with drugs Addicts (carer handbook series) Publisher Age Concern Hamilton. K, 1999, Drugs and Pregnancy – your body (Healthy Body) London, Publisher Hodder Wayland Journals Parker. Colins, Tutor, 2010 Handout Moor. S, The Journal – 23 March 2006. Institution of Drugs Student – 2007 Issue 2. McConoile. B, Pregnant women under Tobacco influence – part 2- page 186. McCoy. K, & Dr. Wibbelsman. C, The teenager health – page 148 Powell. J, Pregnancy and drug Abuse (Emotional Health Issues 2008) page 13. Foster. R.K, and Marriott, 2006, Women and Pregnancy, volume 31 Issue 4, page 286 – 308 Chorlton. P, Life Quality Management – page 64. Internet†¦ /Smoking-tobacco-causes-death.asp Drugs-HypnosisinCamberley Pages/Effectsofdrugs.aspx pregnancy/feedarticle/8491829 women uk-s-relationship-with-tobaccol.html Pages/Effectsoftobaccol.aspx – factsheets/pregnancy/smoking.pdf

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mona Lisa Reflection Essay

To be honest I have never been much of an artsy kind of person. My major is history and I just never thought art as such a significant thing until now. The painting I find myself most interested in is the Mona Lisa. As it is probably the most valuable and most popular painting in today’s modern time, I find it very interesting that nobody really knows who the women is in the Mona Lisa and why paint it in the first place? I think the skeptics of the painting is what drives me to like it so much. I mean you have this painting of what is supposed to be a women in Italy around the 18th century and you see this nice glowing smile, but in the back ground it almost looks like Armageddon. I mean as far I know Leonardo Di Vinci wasn’t a very dark or Dominic man. I mean this guy painted the famous last supper. If you look at this painting you would almost think of it as a man with female qualities. There have been skeptics saying that Da Vinci made a self-portrait of him as a women, but nobody knows. That eerie feeling that nobody does know makes you think so much about it. It’s this painting along with a couple others that Da Vinci did that got me interested in taking art history especially around the time of the Renaissance. I figured since I am already a history major that maybe understanding why art has such an impact on today’s society will help me see a more rounded view of certain topics in history like the Renaissance. Which was the time that Mona Lisa was painted and the time where culture is just booming and you have all these other great artists at the time. You know my biggest question is who are these artists why are they painting such portraits and why does art have such an impact? By learning the reasoning behind this maybe it will help me get a better grasp on other things in history during this time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Global warming and climate change Essay Example

Global warming and climate change Essay Example Global warming and climate change Essay Global warming and climate change Essay States have depended on coal for centuries to bring forth a bulk of their electricity, but now with planetary heating and clime alteration many states are looking for green options. On August 6, 1945, the universe was introduced to the astonishing energy behind atomic energy with the bead of the first atomic bomb. Grolier Online found that in 1939 two German scientists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman, had reported an experiment involving neutron irradiation of uranium ; intending exposed the U to radiation or watercourses of atoms and produced energy ( 2 ) . Although some energy options create small or no waste and appear safer than atomic energy, atomic energy is more efficient, produces more power than any other energy beginning known, and the energy beginning is in great copiousness and should go the U.S. s figure one beginning of energy, replacing our demand for dirty, C breathing coal. Three Mile Island atomic power works near Middletown, Pennsylvania, March 28, 1979, a H2O pump stops working and that s merely the beginning ( U.S. N.R.C. ) . There was a release of radiation into the ambiance, but as Opponent Point of views: Energy Options described that there is more radiation standing a few proceedingss in the thick of the granite of Grand Central Station than released from Three Mile Island on this twenty-four hours ( 80 ) . No lives were lost and because of the regulations and ordinances put on United States industries, particularly atomic workss, there were no major effects to the reactor meltdown. However, a serious job did non go on at Three Mile Island, but was a wholly different narrative at Chernobyl, in the Ukraine. At the clip, Chernobyl was portion of the huge Soviet Union ; it grew in power and needed more energy. The Soviets went atomic. Chernobyl was a monolithic atomic composite with hapless building and even poorer ordinances by the Soviets. On Apr il 26, 1986, during a everyday closure, the automatic safety was taken off and everything began to travel incorrect. Coolant was non acquiring to the right topographic points, but power was being increased which led to an unbelievable detonation. The detonation released 30 to 40 times every bit much radioactive waste as the bombs dropped on Japan. Many were killed and many are still enduring the effects for the haughtiness of the Soviet era atomic workss, Opposing Point of views: Energy Alternatives points out ( 80 ) . It is traveling to be millions of dollars to clean up around Chernobyl and to cover the reactor that released and is still let go ofing dozenss of radiation every twelvemonth. Where as the lone cost to Three Mile Island was the closure of the works. : Even though these two state of affairss, that should be forgotten, are utmost and have created an inauspicious repute for atomic energy, atomic energy is safe if the correct regulations, ordinance, and actions are taken when things go south. Chernobyl was stingily built, ill regulated, and engineering at the works was comparable to, at most, a World War 2 combatant jet. In an interview with the CEO of the Wabash REMC, the county electric company, the executive portrayed the Soviet epoch atomic workss as pole barns at best ( Rob Pearson ) . American reinforced atomic workss are built of concrete a few pess thick to forestall any radiation leak. These workss have the most advanced engineering in the universe to day of the month with suites the size of hoops tribunals merely for the control panels. The United States has placed limitations on edifice codifications and care every bit good as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC ) doing unscheduled and regular check-ups to American atom ic workss. CQ Researcher, Nuclear Energy provinces significant events, ’ such as reactor closures and jobs with of import safety equipment, fell from 0.9 [ incidents ] per twelvemonth per works in 1989 to 0.02 [ incidents ] in 2003. . . ( 221 ) demoing the increasing safety as the old ages go on. Old workss have been and are being updated to current safety and engineering criterions to forestall any major incident and keep the universe s safest atomic plan in the United States. As in any industry, there will ever be jobs and something will travel incorrect, but the U.S. is making its best to forestall these jobs from set uping civilians. Many are disquieted about radioactive atomic waste, the dearly-won and highly unsafe hurt of atomic power workss. Nuclear energy is produced from uranium-235, which is of course radioactive, but the merchandises, strontium-96 and xenon-138, go extremely radioactive after the atomic fission procedure. So what can we make with all this stuff af ter the fission procedure? There are many options: enrich, storage in versants, burial under the sea, atomic transubstantiation, hiting it into infinite or at the Sun, and many more. Enrichment is a procedure of taking the waste and concentrating it to about five per centum of its existent size, Rob Person explained to me, so there is less waste, seting all other storage procedures on a smaller graduated table. Entombment under the sea, Critical Perspectives on Energy and Power, Disposing of Nuclear Waste, gives item that the waste is put into a pointed tubing so dropped into the deepest parts of the sea, specifically the Pacific trenches, where it is so sucked into the mantle and dissolves in the utmost heat of the nucleus of the Earth. Nuclear transubstantiation is a procedure of pelting the waste with neutrons to bring forth less radioactive stuffs that would be radioactive for merely 100s or even 10s of old ages, where every bit presently the waste could be radioactive for 10 t housand old ages ( 77 ) . Much research is being put into better procedures of disposal of the waste. Presently the waste is in big storage containers at the atomic works chilling and drying or sitting in 55-gallon barrels in the side of a mountain. The end product of atomic energy, in contrast, is 25 1000000s times the end product of coal, Grolier Online, Nuclear Energy found. One lb of coal green goodss eight negatron Vs ( electron volt ) with a burn-off of C dioxide, this addition being a chief cause of planetary heating and clime alteration. However, with atomic fission, the current procedure for atomic energy, one lb of uranium-235 green goodss 200 million electron volt with perfectly no C dioxide emanations. There is new engineering traveling into the procedure of atomic merger, a procedure where H is used to bring forth 18 million electron volt and the lone byproduct is helium and energy ( 1 ) . This procedure has no radioactive waste, but produces five times the heat as the Sun doing it really hard to incorporate all that energy, but doing it possible to pull out more H from H2O. Making this energy beginning wholly independent from any outside beginnings. Rob Pearson clarified that there are many other energy options tha t are bring forthing energy, but the efficiency of these options is about one tierce of their possible. Wind power is undependable, running merely when the air current is strong plenty to turn the turbines, and acquiring the power from the turbine to places is a undertaking in itself. Solar panels use merely 10 per centum of the light spectrum and have to be the size of a football field to bring forth adequate energy for a little town of a few thousand people. Current options merely produce a little per centum of our energy needed because their efficiency is so hapless. The United States has had one of the best programs for building more atomic workss, but their ability to set the program into action is missing. The United States depends on 104 atomic workss with a sum of 441 water-cooled reactors, the current procedure of atomic fission. These workss produce 20 to 22 per centum of the states electricity bring forthing close to 788.6 terawatt hours of electricity in 2004 giving the U.S. the universe s most atomic workss with the best and largest atomic plan. In CQ Researcher, Nuclear Energy the U.S. Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) predicts that by 2030 the U.S. will be bring forthing merely 871 terawatt hours of electricity if and merely if six new atomic workss are built and bing workss are updated to bring forth more power. Since the last major fiasco of Three Mile Island in 1979, which spread so much fright, more than 29 old ages have passed with no new atomic workss holding begun building. Last twelvemonth America was to get down buil ding on 25 new workss, jurisprudence shapers shot the measure down when it was clip to move. In better hopes though, Secretary of the United States Department of Energy announced in 2002 it Nuclear Power 2010 plan that would make a joint government/industry cost portion to bring forth more atomic workss and give inducement to power companies to get down edifice ( 1 ) . Now with planetary heating and clime alteration and demand for more electricity, proven by the blackouts in major metropoliss in the past few old ages, there is merely one thing that can suit the demand to diminish all of these-nuclear energy. Nuclear energy has been pigeonholed by two unfortunate events go forthing most afraid of it, but with the current crises on the universe s manus, the demand for more power and less dependance on hydrogen-carbonates, C dioxide breathing fuels such as coal and oil, the universe must get down building and researching more in atomic energy. Governments are taking every safeguard, puting regulations, ordinances, and regular and random check-ups, to do atomic energy merely every bit safe as any other major beginning of electricity. Nuclear waste has been in research for many old ages now and should be making a safe and effectual agencies of disposal. The U.S. must get down swearing atomic energy and get down trusting on it as the figure one beginning of energy replacing C breathing coal workss and inefficient energy options. Work Cited Colin, Thomas J. , Ed. Nuclear Energy. CQ Researcher 16.10 ( 2006 ) : 217-40. Cothran, Helen, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints Energy Alternatives. California: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Hall, Linley Erin, Ed. Critical Perspectives on Energy and Power. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. , 2007. pHansen, Kent F. Nuclear Energy. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2008: ( 1-5 ) Grolier Online. 30 Oct. 2008 article? assetid=0210870-0 gt ; . pHansen, Kent F. Nuclear Energy. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2008: ( 1-5 ) Grolier Online. 30 Oct. 2008 article? assetid=0210870-0 gt ; . Pearson, Rob. Personal Interview. 16 Oct. 2008. United States. Dept. of Energy. Nuclear Energy 2010. 12 Oct. 2008. United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Fact Sheet on the Three Mile Island Incident. 17 Oct. 2008 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; /p gt ;

Monday, October 21, 2019

Guide on How to Write a Deductive Essay A to Z!

Guide on How to Write a Deductive Essay A to Z! Introduction To begin with, deductive essays represent an effective method of evaluating student knowledge in different courses and reviewing their analytical skills. A deductive essay is a type of essay in which students are obliged to use deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is the logical reasoning that uses general, factual premises to reach a specific conclusion. Therefore, deductive reasoning can be explained as an application of the general rules that are narrowed down until a certain conclusion is reached. For this reason, deductive reasoning is sometimes called bottom-down logic. Deductive reasoning is often implemented in real life when people use the facts of the common knowledge or the ones that are already known to them in order to reach a specific conclusion. Writing an effective deductive essay requires the writer to implement ones strong analytical skills into the construction of a deductive argument supported by sufficient evidence. This deductive essay writing guide will hel p you achieve the goal. The Difference Between Deductive and Inductive Writing Deductive reasoning is often contrasted with inductive reasoning because they represent opposite types of logical arguments. Deductive reasoning starts with the general facts and reaches specific conclusions. On the other hand, inductive reasoning reaches general conclusions by implementing specific observations. Unlike deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning allows the conclusion to be false. Therefore, the difference between deductive and inductive writing is that inductive writing fits the specifications of an inductive argument, whereas deductive writing follows the structure of a deductive argument. The Construction and the Structure of a Deductive Argument Students working on a deductive essay should learn to create a deductive argument based on deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is divided into three parts, including premise, evidence, and conclusion. The premise is the general fact that is applied in order to reach a conclusion. In a deductive argument, there could be a single premise or several premises at once. The premise provides a background for the logical argument. The second part of a deductive argument is the evidence. The evidence is a piece of more specific information that represents the subject of the analysis. The evidence is proof that one relies upon in an argument and a logical link between the premise and the conclusion. The evidence is based on a specific fact that is observed or analyzed by a student writing an essay. The presumption stated by the author of the essay should be backed up by credible information from scholarly sources. Finally, the conclusion is a summarized analysis of the argument that is based on combining the premises with the evidence that serves as a final proof of the premise. In deductive reasoning, the true premise is a guarantee for a true conclusion. Therefore, if the premises are not true, it is impossible for the conclusion to be true. The conclusion is supposed to be well-rounded and precise. There is a possibility for a deductive essay to have a multitude of credible conclusions. If this occurs, there is a need to choose the best possible conclusion and focus on explaining it to the reader of the essay. If the author of the essay chooses to focus on the multitude of conclusions, there is a risk for the essay to be out of the focus and not be understandable for the reader. The mathematical formula for deductive reasoning is as follows: If A = B, and B= C, then A = C. The Example of the Deductive Argument Premise: All humans are mortal. Evidence: Josh is a human. Conclusion: Josh is mortal. This is the basic example of deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning can become more complex if more premises are used in order to reach a conclusion. Types of Deductive Reasoning Used in Deductive Essays The deductive essays apply various styles of deductive reasoning, with each of them just as accurate as the other. Categorical arguments and propositional arguments are among the most widely used arguments in a deductive essay. Categorical arguments are the ones that include various items. These arguments usually implement common words and phrases, including none and all. A propositional argument is the style of an argument that uses the words â€Å"are,† â€Å"and,† â€Å"or,† â€Å"I,† and others. Propositional arguments can be described as the arguments that manage the sentences in which they are used. The Deductive Essay Writing Tips from Our Writers A writer of a deductive essay has to make sure that the attention of the reader remains focused on the deductive argument and is not dragged away to less essential aspects of the deductive essay. The requirements for the writing style include accurate sentence structure and the use of correct grammar. While there are typical requirements for all kinds of essays and not just deductive ones, appropriate sentence structure and grammar are especially important for the deductive essays because they demonstrate the analytical skills of the writer. The deductive essay requires the writer to apply superior analytical skills because they constitute the main aspect that is checked by the instructor. The ability to express ones analytical skills with language tools is another point that is being evaluated by the instructor. The deductive reasoning usually follows a clear and logical structure that is easy to follow for any reader. Each of the essay paragraphs focuses on a particular aspect of the argument, using detailed evidence. The most important part of the essay is the support of the conclusion. The conclusion cannot be simply stated without the appropriate support because it is likely to be weak in such a case. The deductive essay requires the author to remain objective and logical throughout all steps of writing. Choosing a Topic of a Deductive Essay Picking a topic is an important preliminary step of writing the deductive essay. In case there is a possibility to pick the topic, one should choose the topic that he or she does not feel overly emotional about. The best strategy for the author is to pick the topic one is interested in but does not have a strong opinion on. The reason for this is that it is quite difficult for people to stay objective about the issues they are opinionated about. Therefore, the students should treat the writing of the deductive essay as the opportunity to learn something new about an interesting subject rather than the ability to prove a certain point that the author of the essay cares for. In science, deductive reasoning is often applied in mathematics and physics. Among the disciplines that are considered to be humanities, deductive reasoning is more often implemented in philosophy. Therefore, it is natural for students to pick the topic of a deductive essay that is related to philosophy. However, the spectrum of deductive reasoning is quite broad; therefore, the topic of choice can be related to the variety of different disciplines. Common subjects that represent the basis for developing an effective deductive essay include political science, history, sociology, ethics (including bioethics), futurism, education, technology, and others. The implementation of deductive reasoning in deductive essays makes it possible for the students to choose the topics that effectively analyze current and future trends related to society. Therefore, deductive reasoning is at its best when it is applied to the topical discussions of the contemporary world. Deductive essays can contrast several phenomena or investigate a single phenomenon in depth. Some of the potential topics of a deductive essay include: Drug Dealing in Columbia; The Ethical Aspects of Human Cloning; Democracy vs. Authoritarian State; Communism vs. Capitalism; The Impact of the Universal Basic Income on the Economy; The Implications of the Governmental Intervention into the Life of the Chinese Citizens; The Ethical and Scientific Aspects of the Genetic Engineering; The Politics and the Ideology Behind the Arab Spring; Love VS Habit; Should Humans Strive to End Aging-Related Diseases? Should Toddlers Be Exposed to Technology from the Beginning of Their Lives? The Implications of the South Thailand Insurgency The Structure of a Deductive Essay Similarly to the typical argumentative essay of any type, the deductive essay consists of an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion that reveals premises, evidence, and the conclusion of the deductive argument. Introduction The introduction of a deductive essay presents the basic most essential aspects of the argument that is being investigated. It is important for the effective deductive essay to avoid generalizations and to base the presentation of the topic on the facts that are thoroughly investigated. One of the most important parts of the deductive essay is the thesis statement that summarizes the major arguments that are made in the essay and wrapped up in the essays conclusion. Your thesis statement has to be clear and concise, without any unnecessary details added. All in all, a thesis is a short statement that reflects the conclusion of an argument and the reasoning behind it. Supporting Paragraphs The supporting paragraphs of the essay should investigate the facts found in the premises and the evidence of the deductive argument. For the convenience of a reader, the facts should be investigated one-by-one in each of the paragraphs. It is important not to overflow each of the paragraphs with too many arguments for the essay to keep its precise and logical structure. Conclusion Finally, the conclusion of the deductive essay should coincide with the conclusion of the deductive argument based on the research of the evidence and drawings from the premises of the argument. After the conclusion of the deductive argument is made, the author can expand the conclusion of the essay by offering possible directions the argument can take in the future. However, there is a need to keep the conclusion logical and concise without diving into the multitude of future possibilities that cannot be supported by evidence. If one chooses not to dive into the future possibilities while concluding the essay, there is a possibility to end it by stating the possible implications of failing to solve the issue discussed in the deductive essay. If the writer chooses to follow this pathway, he or she should remain logical and concise in the process of ending the essay, without drawing the attention away from the conclusion of the deductive argument. The conclusion of the deductive argument has to remain an integral element of the deductive essay conclusion that cannot be overshadowed by other statements made in the final part of the essay. The Post-Writing Steps of Working on a Deductive Essay The post-writing peculiarities related to the writing of a deductive essay focus on the elements that are directly related to the writing process itself. Therefore, the writer should pay attention to the logical flow of the essay, the sentence structure, the use of the language, the adherence to the basic grammar rules, and, first and foremost, the effectiveness of the argument that demonstrates ones analytical ability. The proofreading of the deductive essay should begin with analyzing the flow of the argument since the argument is the central part of the essay. The effective and correct premises, evidence, and conclusion form the basis of an excellent deductive essay. Even though the linguistic elements of such essay are considered important, the flow, structure, and support for the argument are superior. Therefore, the author should begin proofreading with analyzing the argument and conclude it with the analysis of grammar, sentence structure, and the additional elements of the w riting. The referencing of the paper is an essential final step of working on a deductive essay. The writer should strive to use peer-reviewed credible sources that back up ones evidence, including books and scientific sources. News articles and other sources can sometimes be used sparingly if they fit the context and the topic of a particular deductive essay. It is important for the writer to distinguish between ones patterns of thinking and the sources that support this pattern. Original thinking is an integral part of the deductive essay, and the author cannot simply rely on the sources regardless of their credibility. Apart from the specific characteristics that one should draw attention to while working on the deductive essay, the process of editing and proofreading of such essay is similar to editing and proofreading of an analytical essay. The author should analyze every paragraph of the essay and look for grammatical mistakes, mechanical errors, and the issues related to the sentence structure. If one selects an appropriate topic, constructs an effective deductive argument, supports it with the proper evidence, reaches the logical conclusion, follows the requirements for the structure of an essay, and effectively proofreads it, he or she is likely to create a deductive essay that will secure the student with an excellent academic score. References Bradford, A. (2017). Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning. Retrieved from Deductive essay writing help, ideas, topics, examples. (2018). Retrieved from How to Write a Deductive Essay?. (2018). Retrieved from What is deductive reasoning? (2018). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 20, 2019

4 Ways to Hack Your Resume So You Dont Even Need a Cover Letter

4 Ways to Hack Your Resume So You Dont Even Need a Cover Letter You’ve written a magnificent cover letter that explains in detail what you could only sketch in your resume, and which paints you in the best light with all of the appropriate context. Trouble is, the recruiter you sent it to is too busy to bother opening the attachment. She skims your resume, and that’s about it. If this is your worst nightmare, don’t worry! The trick is to write a great resume that helps tell your story. To get started, follow the best resume practice for 2016.In addition, here are four ways you can sex up your resume to make it do most if not all of the work of your cover letter.1. In SummaryRight at the very top of your resume, add a paragraph that encapsulates your elevator pitch. Tell them- and keep it short and sweet- who you are, why you’re different from the other applicants, and what makes you so special for that particular position. Scrap the traditional â€Å"Objective† paragraph. You won’t need it.2. Get Personal Add a little of that personal flair from your cover letter at the very end of your resume. Give them a sense of what kind of person you are, your passions, quirks, and special talents. You can even use this space to explain you’d be willing and eager to relocate, or give details about your particular stage in life visvis that job in that company. If they don’t feel like reading it, they don’t have to. But it can really set you apart.3. Show ResultsDon’t just list the great things you did in the descriptions of your former jobs, show them. Give concrete numbers and prove exactly how effective you were in that past project or position. This is exactly the kind of ammunition hiring managers love to have to fight to hire a dream candidate.4. Be SocialWhether you like it or not, hiring managers are going to snoop into your social media accounts. Show them you’ve got nothing to hide and make it easy for them. The transparency and willingness to make thei r lives easier will not be lost on them.Do these four things and it won’t matter if you ever write another cover letter again. You’ll be able to prove in just one document that you’re the right kind of talent and personality for their company culture. And if you don’t, you’ll save a lot of wasted time and energy.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Engineering - Essay Example Meanwhile, the aspect of social Engineering just happening from diverse institutions in the technological world however is not good or evil since it carries both positive as well as negative norms. Many companies usually work based on initiating database for effective delivery of their services and therefore they make sure that their servers are free from malicious hackers as well as avoid any forms of infiltrations on their servers. Social Engineering infrastructure has been affected through internet fraudulent activities. Social engineering is one the artistically as well as scientifically facet that involves skillfully articulations and it is used in diverse professional including, lawyer, students, researchers, psychologists. According to various researchers, social engineering is termed as a collection of various skills and sciences that leads to a certain action (Wilson and Hadnagy, 12-16). Pre-texting In the United Kingdom, pre-texting, also known as blagging as well as bohoin g activities, involves the act of creation and inventing ways to phish out divulging information. Moreover, pre-texting can also be defined as the act of inventing and creating certain traits that makes people perform certain actions. Pre-texting involves anything within imagination context. The rise of internet has majorly affected Pre-texting norm in many ways. Various hackers nowadays use Pre-texting technique as well as method phished from business domains in disclosing customer’s information as well as obtaining various records (Arnold, 20-23). Forms of social Engineering The forms of social Engineering entails the presence of hackers, penetration testers also known as pentester, spies framework, identity thieves, disgruntled employees, scum artists, executive recruiters, salespeople, governments as well as professionals such as lawyers, psychologists, and doctors. Many companies and software vendors are creating hardened as well as complex software, difficult to break i nto. Due to this reason, many hackers have decided to embark on the social engineering facets using the prevailing minor breaches as well as blend engineering attacks to initiate their purposes (Simson and Mitnick, 42-47). In real sense, we find that penetration testers are entity of people who uses black malicious skills in gaining personal information of someone or harming the targeted person. Remote hacking has been one of the major approaches that have been used as a penetration tester also known as pentester, which is offensive in nature. However, based on pentester facet, many organizations in business today uses pentester articulation to ensure that their clients remain secure in terms of their data manipulation. Many governmental organizations utilize social engineering perception by controlling their protocol domains and messaging systems they releases to their workers. Social proof, authorization, and scarcity are one of the social engineering aspects that are utilized, sh owing that social engineering is not always negative (Wilson and Hadnagy, 49-56). Uses of Social engineering Social engineering can be initiated and employed in many areas that pertain aspects of life and affects one positively or negatives depending on the prevailing issue. Generally, social engineering can be malicious or be friendly by either tearing down or building up someone life. Motivation is an aspect that is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Look into descripton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Look into descripton - Essay Example Being a member of the minority, the non-Muslim group, had motivated me to use my skills and knowledge to help others cope with similar personal, environmental and social challenges. Now, as an adult I want to be of service for people who have difficulty expressing themselves when the opposition's voice is too loud, I want to devote my time helping those who can't help themselves. During university, I became a tutor and teacher's assistant for the opportunity to help students cope with the changes that entering university usually causes. My dedication to my job and in helping others was not unrecognized by my peers and superiors; as such I received several appreciation awards. In the future, I still see myself devoting more and more of my time educating people on how to help themselves. A Ph.D. from the JFK University will surely help me achieve this personal goal. As a Ph.D. student, I will be given the opportunity to explore and research human behavior extensively. This opportunity can help me hone my skills in dealing with people, specifically those underprivileged. The environment of my childhood and adolescence had instilled in me a strong passion for achievement. As a non-Muslim in Iran, I pushed myself to do better.

Conflicting Obligations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conflicting Obligations - Assignment Example In inquiry number 15, the psychiatrist has the obligation of informing the police of the crime committed by the violent man and the psychiatrist has the obligation of not informing the police of the crime committed by the potentially violent man. In inquiry number 16, the company president has the obligation of firing her executive following an angry letter from high government official that she criticized official policy positions and the president has the obligation of not firing her executive following an angry letter. In inquiry number 18, the carpenter has the obligation of doing the job though he is aware that the walls could warp due to architect’s specification violation and the carpenter has the obligation of not doing the job though he is aware the wall could warp due to the architect’s specification violation. The law of contradiction, also referred to as the law of the excluded middle, involves the law of thought that something can be and cannot be at the same phenomena. In plain terms, it states that two contradictory statements cannot be true at the same phenomena, or that something cannot receive an affirmation and receive a denial at the same time. The law is quite significant in ethical analysis and reasoning. The law helps one to think critically of the consequences of any actions pursued. It helps in determining the correct, ethical action by deciding the one that brings greatest balance of beneficial consequences over the bad consequences. This calls for critical consideration of a situation and classifying the negatives and the positives of the situation. When reconciling conflicting obligations, one has to identify the beneficial and the grave of each of the conflicting obligations. One should look at the positive consequences in choosing any of the obligations, and if the obli gation chosen fulfills the intended

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Stock analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stock analysis - Essay Example The management of the company consists of some of the best professionals in the field; this is under the management of Larry Page who is not only the Chief Executive Officer but also the founder. This is a guarantee that he has faith in his company and he understands the importance of the products and the services that the company offers. Having built the company from scratch it is expected that he will lead the company to further growth which will have a direct impact on shareholders wealth The company runs the most popular search website in the world and provides advertising technology to clients on a global scale (Koller, 54). It has technology that enables the users to get better information in regards to search results. There is a clear representation of pictures, videos and text that has made it very popular with users. Its programs such as AdSense and Ad words are easy to use and make it possible for clients to post their advertisements, uptake of these products is expected to increase by 23% in this financial year. Google is in the technology industry and success in this industry is dependent on the ability of an organisation to come up with innovative products and services on a regular basis. Google has been active in the research end and as a result has been able to regularly come up with products that suit the needs of the consumers. Google has an experimentation culture and this ensures that the company always produces new products that keep potential competitors at bay. Therefore this makes a good investment due to the fact that it will always have products that will keep consumers interested. The operational strategy adopted by Google has proven effective. It produces products that are user specific and are targeted towards a certain group of people or companies. This ensures that these products are tailor made for them at a low cost that

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Personal statement - Essay Example threats from simple access security to more potent threats of economic crime and terrorism scares on the internet, it is an increasingly important area of concern that requires the appropriate training of professionals such as in this area of study. I feel that I need to make part of this important part of problem solving professional group with relevant training in averting the threats. I hope to gain insights that particularly deal with blocking potential threats due to the high risk capacity facing the global village. I hope to learn how to avert financial crimes using specific defense tools for the end users as well as learning how to mitigate the dangers when such dangers occur. I will particularly devote myself to gain analytical processes in handling security threats with a keen interest. I believe by engaging my interests in security processes in the lecture hall and in the lab will make me a good student having found my rightful place in terms of career and academics. Having studied in computer studies in my undergraduate studies presents me with a tremendous opportunity to bring out the best qualities of a scholar and specifically as a security agent in the computing world. The program will assist me progress in my career since most of my work and project ideas have always found a hindrance due to lack of security concepts. Gaining the relevant security skills at a higher level in form of postgraduate training will enable me to develop more competent project ideas that can compete in the computing market. Modern employers are looking for secure products and brains that can develop such products as well, which will enable me to add value to both my resume and skills. The most important part of the program that attracts me most is how computer forensics can be applied in today’s unprecedented exposure to online threats. Due to the fact that more millions of people are likely to become involved in some way with the growing social network and online

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Life Style assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life Style assignment - Essay Example He believes in justice and prefers to swim against the current and do not blindly follow the established ideas unless they are authentic and are in favor of people. It has become an axiom that the established norms and ideas are right and work for the benefit of humanity. However there is an option that can prove this maxim utterly wrong. In the practical world where new strategies function to influence people the individuals with qualities of a salmon can prove to be a great help. The persuasive nature can influence the mode of thinking of people for good. Freedom of choice and independency is essential for every individual. Indolence and independency can take away the worth gradually making the individual completely useless. So in this scenario independency is indispensable to enable the individuals know their worth and they can be beneficial. Vigilance keeps you aware of your surroundings and enables you to remain up to date about the changes that are constantly affecting the market and business world. So in this case vigor can help you to remain active against the current that drives you back. The conventional and outdated ideas can adversely affect the working of the company so a vigorous individual can avoid this. Once you consider yourself in the shoes of the customers you can comprehend their needs. You should be demanding and should bring changes in the products in order to fulfill the demands of the customers that are changing with the dynamic world. Any sort of malpractice can affect the fame and quality of the product. So instead of succumbing to the unfair act, a rebellious salmon can cease the progress of the activity in order to maintain the quality. Implementing your ideas forcefully can develop animosity among peers. So you can avoid this quality of a salmon and become humble instead. However in different cases this quality can be used to make new strategies work. The qualities of being competitive and

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Personal statement - Essay Example threats from simple access security to more potent threats of economic crime and terrorism scares on the internet, it is an increasingly important area of concern that requires the appropriate training of professionals such as in this area of study. I feel that I need to make part of this important part of problem solving professional group with relevant training in averting the threats. I hope to gain insights that particularly deal with blocking potential threats due to the high risk capacity facing the global village. I hope to learn how to avert financial crimes using specific defense tools for the end users as well as learning how to mitigate the dangers when such dangers occur. I will particularly devote myself to gain analytical processes in handling security threats with a keen interest. I believe by engaging my interests in security processes in the lecture hall and in the lab will make me a good student having found my rightful place in terms of career and academics. Having studied in computer studies in my undergraduate studies presents me with a tremendous opportunity to bring out the best qualities of a scholar and specifically as a security agent in the computing world. The program will assist me progress in my career since most of my work and project ideas have always found a hindrance due to lack of security concepts. Gaining the relevant security skills at a higher level in form of postgraduate training will enable me to develop more competent project ideas that can compete in the computing market. Modern employers are looking for secure products and brains that can develop such products as well, which will enable me to add value to both my resume and skills. The most important part of the program that attracts me most is how computer forensics can be applied in today’s unprecedented exposure to online threats. Due to the fact that more millions of people are likely to become involved in some way with the growing social network and online

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Parody vs Spoof Essay Example for Free

Parody vs Spoof Essay People are often confused about the word or the concept of a â€Å"Parody†. They often thought that it is synonymous to a â€Å"Spoof† because they share the same features that are commonly misunderstood. But there’s a difference between the two; and this paper aims to redefine, disambiguate, and clear the concept of a â€Å"Parody† from the concept of a â€Å"Spoof†. This paper will explain the concept of a â€Å"Parody† in general, using music videos specifically from YouTube to have a concrete example of a â€Å"Parody† in order to have a firm grasp of the concept. What is a â€Å"Parody†? According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, a â€Å"Parody† is: a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule; a feeble or ridiculous imitation. While according to Britannica Encyclopedia: In literature, parody is when a person closely imitates an author’s style or work in order to ridicule or to provide comic effects. The word comes from the Greek â€Å"Paroidia†, meaning a song sung alongside another. Parody differs from burlesque by the depth of its technical penetration and from travesty, which treats dignified subjects in a trivial manner. True parody mercilessly exposes the tricks of manner and thought of its victim yet cannot be written without thoroughly appreciating the work that it ridicules. Basically, a parody is an act of imitation of an original work by slightly altering its original style and content but still able to obviously show the original work in order to make the parody effective for the audience; its purpose is to critically ridicule, mock, and show the folly and absurdity of the original work through exaggerations and humor. It’s an implicit comment on the original work by showing his comments not by directly telling it in the parody. What appears serious in the original work is shown ridiculously because through comedy, all of the things that are not accepted by the society will blur because of the humor and laughter. Thus satire comes in if the parody goes beyond the style or content of the work and attacks the author or the maker of the original work. Here’s a good example of a music video parody by The Key of Awesome!, entitled What Makes You Beautiful One Direction Parody! Key of Awesome #57. A parody of the music video of a boy band named One Direction and their song called â€Å"What Makes You Beautiful†. In here, We can see that the maker of the parody retained the concept of the music video and just altered the lyrics and show the folly and absurdity of the original music video through humor. It’s a little bit satirical because of some of the lyrics were pertaining to the boy band itself. Now that we have define what is a â€Å"Parody†, next is that we need to define what the concept of a spoof is. Spoof is defined in the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary as: to make good-natured fun of. Thus, it means that a spoof is just for fun sake. In music videos, a spoof is something that incorporates the concept of a original work and alters it but doesn’t comment or critically pertain on it. It’s just a plain comedy version of the original and irrelevant to the concept of it. Here’s a good example of a spoof. A parody entitled â€Å"Hipon† (Payphone Parody) by Sir Rex Kantatero ft. Shehyee; a spoof of the music video of a song called Payphone by Maroon 5. It’s evident that people are confused by the concept of a parody and a spoof; even though the title states it’s a â€Å"Parody† but it is an example of a spoof. In here, we can see that the maker of the spoof incorporates the tune of the original work but alters the concept and the lyrics of it. He just makes fun of the tune and basically added humor on its lyrics and video. The new concept of the video was completely irrelevant to the original and doesn’t contain any critique about the original one. Satire is still a very broad concept, but I will not go on there. What’s important is that we have already differentiated the concept of â€Å"Parody† and a â€Å"Spoof†. Yes they are both copy or an imitation of an original work and contains humor but what makes a â€Å"Parody† different from a â€Å"Spoof† is that it still obviously incorporates the concept of the original and has a little altering and it’s purpose is to critically comment on the original work. Whereas a â€Å"Spoof† it’s just a plain comedic version of the original. It doesn’t contain the concept of the original work and any critical comment pertaining on the original one. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Dentith, S.(2011). Parody: The Art that Plays with Art Modernism modernity 190-192. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Kenny, K. (2009) The performative surprise: parody, documentary and critique. Culture and Organization, 15 (2). Kreuz, R. J., Roberts, R. M. (1993). On Satire and Parody: The Importance of Being Ironic. Metaphor Symbolic Activity, 8(2), 97. satire. (2012). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved from parody. (2012). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Stereotypical Ideas Of Australian Identity English Literature Essay

Stereotypical Ideas Of Australian Identity English Literature Essay One such example of a text that can be identified as Australian due to its use of the stereotypical ideas of Australian identity is Clancy of the Overflow, a poem by AB Banjo Paterson. This text is written from the point of view of a city-dweller who once met the title character, a shearer and drover, and now envies the imagined pleasures of Clancys lifestyle, which he compares favourably to life in the dusty, dirty city and the round eternal of the cashbook and the journal. The title comes from the address of a letter the city-dweller sends, The Overflow being the name of the sheep station where Clancy was working when they met. The poem is based on a true story that was experienced by Banjo Paterson. He was working as a lawyer when someone asked him to send a letter to a man named Thomas Gerald Clancy, asking for a payment that was never received. Banjo sent the letter to The Overflow and soon received a reply that read Clancys gone to Queensland droving and we dont know where he a re The imagery that is used within the poem allows us to see the landscape that we now except to be Australian, the language used also allows us to appreciate the behaviour that we have come to adopt as our own Australian way. For example In my wild erratic fancy visions come to me of Clancy, Gone a-droving `down the Cooper where the Western drovers go; As the stock are slowly stringing, Clancy rides behind them singing, For the drovers life has pleasures that the townsfolk never know. The real question is, without these so called Australian images would we be able to recognise the text as an Australian one? The answer is no, Australian texts cannot afford to let their setting be ambiguous. Australia has few attributes that separate it from mediocrity and its setting is one of them. As well as Australias aesthetic attributes it also has its behavioural attributes that can be referred to as individual. Australian is renowned as being a masculine society, in which the sporting arena is worshiped; now this occurs other countries but this aspect of Australian life adds to overall individuality of Australian society. Bruce Dawes Life Cycle is an example of this obsession that Australians have with sport in our masculine society. The diction in the poem plays the largest role in creating the ideas and the sense of obsession. The ability to create a poem which covers a life-cycle of a person through the game of AFL would not be possible without the choice of diction. For instance in the line For possession of a Rusk: Ah he is a little Tiger! It uses particular words like possession, which would be a term used in a game of AFL, or Tiger, the name of a team. Ideas are also conveyed through the word choice, for instance You bludger and the covenant is sealed- creates the sense that the poet is saying AFL is almost a religion. People live their life according to the success of the team they follow. The word covenant being a commonly used religious term portrays ideas of religion. The word choice and words chosen prove the obsession as they bring in direct ideas and terms from AFL, and relating them to many stages of life and deeper ideas such as religion. Australia being the young nation that it is has not forged its own identity fully as yet, although many different sources contribute to the countrys social amalgam. It is possible for different understandings, representing different starting points, to be grafted onto a common stock of images and beliefs. And we see this done within Dawes poem, which we identify as an Australian text. Perhaps Australia suffers from these deeper identity issues because of the relatively ignoble cause of European settlement in this country. No tales of Pilgrim Fathers escaping from religious persecution for us. Instead there is the ball and chain and the ignominy of a convict settlement consciously designed to house what were considered to be the dregs of another society. Or perhaps the difference lies in the fact of the ease of our attaining self government and independence. Whatever the case, we do know that Australian texts are recognised by their unambiguous imagery and setting. There are very few texts that show this better than Peter Allens Tenterfield Sadler. The highly stereotypical imagery that is used throughout the song is the kind that separates Australia from mediocrity and allows the text to be viewed as a unique Australian text. Some examples of this are, 52 years he sat on his verandah, made his saddles, and if you had questions about sheep or flowers or doves, you just asked the saddler, he lived without sin, There building a library for him These words used are typically Australian, meaning that they appear nowhere else in the world, the use of these words, i.e. verandah indicates the uniqueness of the Australian lifestyle and also the individuality of Australian texts. The typical Aussie has been described as male, easy going, fair and democratic, having a healthy disrespect for authority, and a dry laconic humour. In the song, Peter Al len describes his characters as these types of people. The problem with defining Australian identity is that there are so many different sources contributing to the countrys social amalgam. This in itself does not cause an insuperable problem. It is possible for different understandings, representing different starting points, to be grafted onto a common stock of images and beliefs. And perhaps the matter is more simply explained as an absence of time since settlement coupled with such rapid change that there has been no opportunity to generate an Australian identity that can be consciously articulated and shared by all. We could argue all day about what the Australian identity should be but in the end the identity that we have, in the eyes of those who look in from the outside, is the well known stereotypical, clichà © identity. And yes, any text that you read that is Australian will be identified so, due to the unambiguous fashion in which the setting and images have been constructed. The suit this stereotypical identity we have acqui red. Clancy of the Overflow, Life Cycle and Tenterfiel Sadler are all examples of how Australian texts use the things we have, and the things we do to separate us from the rest of the world.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Julius Caesar: Background Knowledge Is Needed To Understand Play :: essays research papers

Julius Caesar: Background Knowledge Is Needed To Understand Play   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Having a good background and knowledge of the history of Rome is very helpful to understand Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar. The setting of this play took place hundreds of years ago, so if one knows a little bit of Roman history, it would help very much in understanding what is going on in the play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is important to know about the connection, or relationship that there once was between Caesar and Pompey. When Crassus died, Pompey and Caesar were left as twin rulers of Rome. As one could imagine, each wanted to be the only ruler, so a struggle broke out between them. Caesar defeated Pompey and his army in an important battle, and went on later to defeat Pompey's two sons. It is after that fifth and last triumph, at the time they are celebrating, when the play opens. To understand the play even better, one should be aware of Brutus' (one of the conspirators against Caesar) ancestors, the Tarquins. Nearly five hundred years before Caesar was even born, a cruel, unscrupulous leading family had seized the riens of power and had set themselves up as kings. From that point on, the people of Rome hated kings, and they bounded themselves together by a solemn oath never to tolerate a monarch, and it was formally enacted into law that if any man wish that the monarchy should be restored, he was to be declared a public enemy and be put to death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Brutus and the rest of the conspirators had killed Caesar, but they made an error, which was letting Mark Antony, one of Caesar's friends live. Antony later united with Bepidus and Octavius, to go against Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators. At the battle of Philippi, in Thrace, Brutus and Cassius took their own lives when their army was destroyed. Just as Caesar and Pompey had struggled for the world when Cassus died, so now when Bepidus died, Antony and Octavius were left confronting each other. Octavius held Rome and Europe; Antony held the East. Antony allied with Cleopatra and were planning to rule the world from Alexandria, Cleopatra's capital. Their navies met Octavius' off the shore of Actium, in Greece. Octavius conquered decisively, and both Antony and

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Why Do Labor Unions Matter? Essay -- Why Unions Matter

Introduction The labor union movement over the years has shaped the way individuals work and live for both the nicest and unpleasant. Some would think the unions influence has created a power struggle between management and union leaders. In today’s time, some citizens insist the existence of unions are a must to aid in employee freedom, while others view the labor unions as just another problem in the line of progress. The purpose of labor unions was for employed workers to come together and collectively agree on fundamental workplace objectives. The rise of the union came about after the Civil War- responding to the industrial economy. Surprisingly at the least unions became popular within the 1930-50’s and began to slowly decrease, starting in the 1960’s on to today. Although, the popularity of labor unions has decreased, its importance remains to be evident with politics, journalism, auto, and the public education industries. The objective of this paper is to shine light upon labor unions, taking a closer look at the disputed issues of union ethics, concerns of union diversity, and the opposing viewpoints of labor unions. Why Do Labor Unions Matter? Unions have an extensive history of standing up for workers. They have advocated rights of steelworkers, coal miners, clothing factory employees, teachers, health care workers, and many others. The labor movement is based on the idea that organized workers as a group have more power than individuals would have on their own. The key purpose of any union is to negotiate contracts, making sure workers are respected and fairly compensated for their work. â€Å"In theory† unions are democratic organizations, resulting in varying inner authority. Workers look for security within a job a... ...d from (accessed May 5, 2012). Wagner, V. (2008). Labor Unions opposing viewpoints. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. Gould, W. (1977). Black workers in white unions: Job discrimination in the United States. London: Cornell University Press. Dine, P. (2008). State of the Unions. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill. Zieger, R. (2007). For jobs and freedom: Race and Labor in America since 1865. Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky. McNeese, T. (2008). The Labor Movement: Unionizing America. New York. NY: InfoBase Publishing. SOLIDARITY FOR SALE - LABORERS: LIUNA-An Unofficial Look At ... (n.d.). Retrieved from Ethics and the Unions - Part 1. Industrial Workers of the World. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, October 11, 2019

God’s Hands Behind Boxing Gloves Essay

It was after the 1960 Rome Olympics. A well-built man stood by a river and threw a gold medal into the waters. He had been rejected entrance in an all-white gathering, he who had brought pride to his nation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The man was Muhammad Ali. He showed that no amount of worldwide recognition can be balm enough to the injustices and racism that was so prevalent during his time. The recognition that he earned at the Olympics was not ticket to equality, and he realized this instantly. He cared not for the medal, but the respect that his art and skill bring to the man, not the personality that the public knows. Muhammad Ali was not afraid to be seen with the much celebrated and controversial Malcolm X, and he fought his battles with as much confidence and gusto as he did within the ring and off it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dubbed as the â€Å"Athlete of the Century†, Muhammad Ali is known all over the world as one of the greatest boxers of all time. Indeed, with all bravado he dared call himself the Greatest. And he was, in many aspects not confined in the boxing ring.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Born as Cassius Clay Jr., he left behind his â€Å"slave name† and took up the name Muhammad Ali to assert his individuality and faith. His action has spurred black pride, as the man continued to prove to be more than just a boxer, but more importantly a black who is not afraid to succeed and fight for his rights. He refused to be inducted in the US Army as a stance against the war. He was imprisoned and stripped off his boxing title for his refusal, but he trained even behind bars and came back to recapture the championship and the people’s hearts. He staged his fights in developing countries that signaled a shift from first-world supremacy to an awareness of the existence of cities such as Manila and Kuala Lumpur. Muhammad Ali has visited and reached out to Afghanistan, North Korea, Cuba, Iraq and South Africa, going where there is strife and bringing goodwill.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even after his popularity as a professional boxer has waned, his heart of gold shone brightly as ever. He promoted understanding at a time when there was discord in the streets, he embraced difference and stood his ground and pushed with his quiet way of battling racism – not through force but through tolerance. It was through not harboring hate that he gained peace of mind and freedom. He was a living example to all the blacks who wanted to be free. He has touched the lives, minds, and spirits of peoples from all over the world, from impoverished countries, to ghettoes, to aspiring boxers. He continues to make a difference in the lives of those around him, contributing to research centers and humanitarian works, gracing Make-A-Wish-Foundation and soup kitchens. Even if his claim to fame have been his powerful fists, more lasting was the kindness that his hands have shared to countless people. Muhammad Ali was known for wit, charm, and cocky, especially his famous proclamation, â€Å"I am the greatest†.   And the world agrees.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Difficult Decision Essay

I chose to write about a difficult decision I had to make years ago. I had to choose between leaving my family in hope of employment, or continue to let tax money support all of us. It was the best decision I have ever made. Starting truly from nothing, to living a normal happy life, and none of this was possible without my wife. She is the true warrior. She stuck by me through this whole thing. She always supported my decisions. It was a very confusing time in my life, but I had to do what was best for my family. In March of 2008, I was married to my wife, Lorene. I was 18 years old and ready to start a family. I was stupid. I made decent money working construction, but never expected to be laid off. My first son was born in October of 2008. So I got the family that I wanted, I just didn’t have a job now. We lived in Yucca Valley, California, where my Mother rented a home to us. She was a recovering alcoholic. She lived in Arizona with her husband at the time. Her name was Lari Lee Packer. I know, boys first name. Doctors told her that if she ever drank alcohol again, she would die. After I told her husband many times not to bring alcohol in the house, he continued. So in January of 2009, my Mother spent a few weeks drinking with her husband, and died. She was 44 years old. Immediately after her death, people were calling, and showing up at my Mother’s house in California. A lot of the people that showed up wanted me to sign papers to take over my Mother’s debt. My older brother had already advised me to refuse. The other party of people that came were there only to inform us that we had 24 hours to get out. My life was falling apart. We didn’t have any family in the area, nor any transportation. I was terrified. We ended up staying at a motel for two weeks, then moved down to the city of San Bernardino, where we lived with Lorene’s sister. Another year went by and we were still on welfare, and poorer than ever. I had nothing but my family, and a hard choice to make. I could stay and hope things would get better, or fly to my brother’s house in North Carolina and seek employment. It felt like such a long shot, but I had to do what was right. I couldn’t continue to feel useless. I made a family, just to be unable to provide for them. So I took the risk and flew to my brother’s house. I walked two miles down the railroad tracks everyday, to go apply for jobs. On the fourth day, I was hired at McDonalds and a gas station. It sounds pathetic, but I no longer had standards since I was unemployed for so long. I would work endless hours, only to come home, collapse on my brother’s couch for four hours, get up and do it again. I continued this schedule for three weeks before deciding to leave McDonalds. By the time I received my last check from McDonalds, I had saved enough money, and flew my family to North Carolina. In conclusion, it was a difficult decision to leave my family and venture into the unknown, but it was the best decision I have ever made. I think people need to remind themselves from time to time, â€Å"what is best for the family†? I now work as a hotel desk clerk, and I have a lot of free time. After discovering how much free time was available, I had to further pursue my education. So here I am, and that’s what’s best for my family. A Difficult Decision Essay In Richard Wilbur’s poem â€Å"A Barred Owl† and the poem â€Å"The History Teacher† by Billy Collins, both describe adults attempt to protect children from fears that are known and unknown to them, sugar-coating real life events that could harm the children’s innocence. An elementary school teacher in â€Å"The History Teacher† tries to shelter his students from what he thinks would affect the children’s view on the world while parents in â€Å"A Barred Owl† assure their â€Å"wakened child† that the â€Å"boom of an owl’s voice† are simple questions from a curious â€Å"forest bird†. Both writers convey that grown-ups who try to preserve the innocence of children only delay the inevitable. Richard Wilbur depicts a common situation of a frightened child in the dark of the night seeking guidance from mom and dad. The writer distinguishes the mood and setting with lines such as, â€Å"The warping night air,† or, â€Å"darkened room. † Wilbur uses these lines to help the reader understand the mood of the poem by using certain diction to portray the fear that is present within this child’s bedroom. See more: The stages of consumer buying decision process essay The meaning of each line is enhanced due to the author writing in an AABB rhyming pattern; emphasizing the significance of each rhyme such as the lines, â€Å"The warping night air having brought the boom of an owl’s voice into her darkened room† or, â€Å"Words, which can make our terrors bravely clear, can also thus domesticate a fear† and even, â€Å"Or dreaming of some small thing in a claw borne up to some dark branch and eaten raw. By Richard Wilbur displaying a simple situation of a scared child, he displays the actions parents take in order to ease and comfort a child to not only preserve their innocence but to also take away any fear a child has while dealing with this type of situation and many others. In the poem, â€Å"A History Teacher† by Billy Collins, the writer illustrates a casual classroom full of ignorant children being educated by their teacher. Little did these children know that their history teacher is presenting altered historical events in order to protect their innocence. By using the lines, â€Å"the Ice Age was really just the Chilly Age,† or, â€Å"the Stone Age became the Gravel Age,† Collins demonstrates the teachers attempt to shield the students from the outside world. The author speaks in third person to create an image in which the audience can fully understand rather than reading from first person. By the author choosing third person rather than first person, the audience will not read from a perspective from a character within the story, therefore receiving a reliable perspective and not â€Å"one side of the story†. Writer Billy Collins helps the reader further understand how the teachers attempt to shelter his students from the cruel Darwinism of the world did nothing but harm their education. The lines, â€Å"The children †¦ torment the weak and the smart,† and, â€Å"he gathered his notes †¦ wondering if they would believe†¦Ã¢â‚¬  displays the reality of the teacher being the ignorant character other than the students by harming their education in order to protect them from the inevitable. With Richard Wilbur using the lines â€Å"And send a small child back to sleep at night† to the lines â€Å"Borne up to some dark branch and eaten raw† in â€Å"A Barred Owl† the writer allows the audience to understand the child’s contentment as she goes to sleep as an innocent child. The audience also understands that with the child being sent to bed with a white lie, she remains ignorant from the Darwinism of the world. Although, in Billy Collins’ â€Å"The History Teacher† the students continue to act in Darwinism as they carry on to â€Å"torment the weak and the smart†¦ breaking their glasses,† and both the teacher and children go home from learning and feeling nothing when the child and parents in â€Å"A Barred Owl† go to sleep with peace and understanding that fear is no where to be found. The History Teacher† is told in third person point of view for the audience to conceive both sides of the result the teacher has caused by his choice of guidance. â€Å"A Barred Owl† is written in first person point of view to display the parents decision on soothing a frightened child; both poems present both sides of the outcomes the adults cause. Richard Wilbur and Billy Collins expose adults’ attempt to prevent children from losing their innocence although the writers also display an example of adults doing anything possible, striving to prohibit what is destined. Parents should ease children into the real world rather than be afraid of their children entering corruption. â€Å"A Barred Owl† and â€Å"The History Teacher† opens adults’ eyes to where adults realize when and where a child should enter the real world. Adults should guide children through troubling times and not alter their view of the world so much it can become destructive.